The Show will start now!

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As we were in the carriage, I started to wonder how my life would be from here on out. I mean this was a huge change for not only me but also Callisto. The scene he had just done was definitely something that people will be talking about for a couple of years. The maids and the servant in the duchy talk and I was sure that everyone would know about what happened soon enough.

Callisto: Do you need anything?

This was something he asked out of the blue after we were already 10 minutes inside the carriage and on our way to his palace. I think he wanted to start a conversation but didn't know how but who knows.

Me: Since I haven't brought anything, just daily necessaries are enough.

Callisto: You will be a princess soon. Just that is not enough.

Me: I am still no princess yet.

Callisto: I can give the best of the best.

Me: And I don't need you to spend this much on me. 

Callisto: What are you talking about?

Me: I am saying that I do not need a gorgeously and extravagant life at all. You should be focusing on your kingdom more than me. They need you and the money more after all.

Callisto: I didn't know you would care about others this much.

Me: You don't know much about me yet.

Callisto: ....

Me: ....

Callisto: Why did you refuse the offer the first time.

Oh boy here comes the question I really didn't wanted to answer at all. He had a right to know what happened but I feared that he would hate me if I would say it. I was a fool for believing that Eckles would actually safe me. Now thinking about it, there were already signs that he wanted me to get away from the duchy... was this his plan? Ah who cares now! He betrayed my trust and I was not about to forgive him at all.

Me: I didn't wanted to be in any relationship and had high hopes for my situation.

Callisto: What changed?

Me: You know what changed. You saw the guards at my door. They will not keep a mad dog like me in the house for long.


Me: What's so funny?

Callistio: You called yourself a mad dog.

Me: I am one.

Callisto: I beg to differ.

Me: On that point... how do you need me to act? 

Callisto: Act?

Me: Yes. Do you want me as I am or do I have to act as if I were the mad dog or villain together with the blood addicted crown prince?

Callisto: .....

I could tell that my question had thrown him off. His face showed me shock but the real thing that bothered me was the little hint of disappointment in them. It was as if he had hoped for something else. However this was what he had suggested and I agreed to a mutual relationship of benefits.

Callisto: Act however you feel like.

With that said he stop looking at me and started looking outside the window. It was as if he was thinking about something. As much as I didn't wanted to actually bother him, I needed to know how things were standing in the palace for my own safety. Would I be targeted by assassins or would they leave me alone? Would I need to fight the queen? Would I need to actually be alone again? HAH! Truly, how pathetic I was. I was betrayed and yet I still hoped that I would not be alone in a place I had no friends, no family and no one I knew at all. 

Me: Am I in any danger?

Callisto: What?

Me: I want to know if I will be having assassins going after me or if I needed to watch out for poison or anything like that.

Callisto: .... You won't be leaving my side so that doesn't matter.

Me: What do you mean?

Callisto: I mean what I said. I want you to be by my side. We will be the pair of the century that couldn't simply let go of each other as we are madly in love.

Me: .... 

All I could do was nod as he said that and after this, we continued our journey in silence but there was something I did notice. His ears were slightly red and he was starting to avoid my eye contact as well. Though, I didn't know the reason for his behaviour, I was not so dumb to continue this conversation just to get to a point where we would certainly start to fight each other. He was the unpredictable and cruel crown prince after all.... well that was what others say about him... I just thought that he was a bit crazy but seeing the circumstances he was in... he totally had the rights to do what he does.

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