No expectations!

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Alright, someone could say this was the worst idea I could come up with. However it was soo stupid, it could actually work as well. I know! Hear me out! I've been working on this for weeks now and... well... I actually think I found something out.

Or not....

Perhapse I was also stupid doing this.

Thanks to my brother, I still had a way to change my appearance to a child... a boy to be precise and to make things worse, I decided to sneak out of my chamber in the middle of the night to look like a boy and sneak to the queens room. Well someone suspect me of treason, if I look like a child. No, don't! Better yet, don't even question it. 

Everything I did was risky but I came to one conclusion after watching the queen and everyone in this castle. There was absolutely no way I could poison her without getting noticed and I don't want maids to get involved because they will be pointing at me immediately. So I am taking things in my own manner. 

Now why was I sneaking around like this?

Quite easy, I had this nice needle which was a bit poisoned... or more than a bit since I let it soak into the juice of a certain flower that was pretty much everywhere and had it with me while I made my way to her chambers and then into it. 

Luckily for me all it took was one fire to make everyone run to the kitchen.... now now, it was not something big, I just threw something in the oven and it was starting to smoke that badly that everyone called for help. Once that was done, I went to the queens room. Of course I knew that they wouldn't wake up the queen or any royals, besides the crown prince as well as the king. To be honest, I was sure they would only call for Callisto. 

Oh well, anyways, I made my way into the room and started to go to the dress where I would hide a couple of needles as well as into her shoe. The little amount on the needles was not enough to kill her. I knew this. However I also had this glas bottle with some perfume that I switched out.... you know what... on second thought... the perfume should be enough since they would find the needles quite fast.

Once I had put the needles in place, I took them out again and just changed her perfume. How did I get that?

Well, honestly same way I got the poison only that I deluted it with some real perfume and put a lost more poison and a couple of different ones as well. Now that I was done with that, I went back out of the room and ran to the kitchen. Nothing is better than a person seen on sight so they could actually blame it on someone.

So when I ran to the kitchen, I quickly started to extinguish the fire and then just seemingly vanished in the middle of it because when it started to clear out, I was already gone. Now all I had to do was wait for the queen to use her perfume as much as possible and stay out of sight.

Easy as that.

Not that people usually actually poison the perfume but hey, gotta be creative if I wanted to escape a death sentence.... tho honestly that sentence would still be better than death by my very own brothers hand.

Anyways, when I got back to my room, I put the bracelet away and the best part was that I just had to put it back to the other things I had brought with me from the duchy and never touched at all. No one would think that it was me. 


Everything is set...

Now all I need to do is wait.

No one could say that it was me.... and I finally got rid of a very annoying nuisance.

Should I tell Callisto tho?



I will tell him if he asks me.

Not before that.

My relationship with Callisto was very hard to describe by now. He seemed to want to talk to me and be close and spend more and more time... but at the same time... there was something going on that he was not telling me. I was kinda glad I had enough free time but whenever he did had time, he would spend it with me.

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