Let's hesr them out...

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Luckily for my family, I managed to calm Callisto down when we arrived or I swear to god, heads will fall today. It was definitely about to happen with how both sides had their swords out. I was also not a saint to be able to recover or do anything about it. If Callisto really wanted them dead, then the whole dukedome could vanish. That was a fact that I knew to well. However right now was not the time to think about that since I really didn't care about my family or what they wanted to do. A thron in my eye, that was what they were. Sooner or later that family would kill me. 

Me: It seems we made them wait.

Callisto: They came uninvited they should be glad that you showed them mercy.

Me: Isn't it nice to be an obedient dog every now and then?

Callisto didn't move into the room too much and waited for me to actually get to sit on a chair. He shoud join me but instead he was right behind me. As if he was showing them how much he hated their sighed. It was as ig they were not even worth his time nor his hospitality and I was the one who had the rains in my hand.

Me: Now then, do what pleasure do I own this visit?

Duke: Penlope, I know I was not the best father but I came here to ask you to return with us.

Me: Return?

Duke: Yes. That child is still not confrimed to be Ivonne and I adopted you back then. No one can say anything about your identity.

Me: Is this all you have to say?

Derrick: What do you want to hear?

Me: How about an apology on how you all treated me for all the years. Don't tell me you didn't know since you told me to live like a dead rat.

Callist: I knew I shouldn't have let them come in here.

Me: Honey, not now.... I am not done talking now.

It was a quick motion where I turned back and smiled to Callisto but what he truly saw was the anger and killing intent hidden in my eyes which I by now didn't wanted to hide anymore. Everyone could see how cold blooded I was. Did I care about their deaths? No. Perhaps I would even be free if they were dead... but could I truly live with myself if they die here?


I highly doubted that I could actually live with myself.

Me: I don't wish to go back. I have found my place here.

Duke: Is there nothing we can do to-

Me: Nothing at all. 

The maid served us tea while we were all gathered around a table and I could tell how extreme this situation was because no one besides me was taking a sip from their cup.

Derrick: You can't just leave everything behind.

Me: Oh I can and I am as you can see. If you want to continue this converesation than talk this out with your sword. I am sure my fiance will be pleased to have a new sparing partner.

Callisto: This might be exiting for once.

Me: I am sure it is.

Duke: Pene-

Me: No, duke Eckhart. You have no right to call me that anymore. I am the crown princess ever since I am Callisto's finance and by not calling me by the name you are looking down on me.

Duke: I will deeply apologise for my mistake crown princess.... I wish to say that the Eckhart family will be supporting you and your highness the crown prince from now on.

It was truly an outcome no one could have expected. I wanted to serve my ties with that family but it seems as if Callisto had just found himself a new power house. One that he could certainly rely on after what I could tell. It was as soon as the duke had said that, that he stood up and excused himself. For me, it seemed as if he knew his place and it was obvious that everyone could feel my hate towards them.

Only when they left the room did Callisto walk around me and dropped on the place where the duke was sitting earlier.

Callisto: Are you fine with this?

Me: What do you mean?

Callisto: I mean if you are fine with abandoning them like this?

Me: You should know better than anyone else what I had suffered thanks to them. I don't want to be related to anything they do. However having them backing us up isn't soo bad either. 

Callisto: With them no one can say anything against you being the crown princess.

Me: Not even the queen... yes.... that is what I was thinking while I accepted that....

Callisto: *hah* at least they can do something right.

Maybe it was wrong to accept them but for me, who planned to get rid of the queen, they were surely about to become the greatest shield I could have.

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