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Everyone left the hallway while me and Callisto were still standing there. I mean he did pull me to the side and then even pinned me to a wall but I didn't really get why. What I could see in his eyes was worry and it didn't fit him. I was fine and I knew that I could get through this. Of course I hated to see my family this soon but still.... I was quite fine.

Callisto: You could have hurt yourself earlier. Why did you even take my sword.

Me: That is my battle and not yours to fight.

Callisto: You are my fiance.

Me: I am but not your wife yet. That is my family. As much as you are handling the queen, I will handle the duke.

Callisto: ..... *sigh*

He really seemed to have a knack for making people feel confused because right now I didn't know what to say nor do. He seemed worried but he was also the one saying that he wanted a marriage of convenience and not love. Then why in the hell was he worried about me? I wanted to ask him soo desperately but I knew I could ruin the mood here. So in the end I shurt my mouth and started looking down towards our feets as if he had just scolded a small child.

Callisto: I am sorry. I shouldn't have pulled you here just because of that.

Me: .... It's fine.... you are worried, aren't you?

Callisto: .... and what if I said I am?

Me: Then it seems like we are on the same boat since I am also worried about you all time with the queen around.

Honestly... I should try to scheme something.

Maybe I can even poison the queen....

Ahm... since when did I become such a person.

Could I even do that?

No, I know I could do that. 

Oh well.... what do thay say again... people can become blind with love.

Is this such a situation.. did I already fall for him too deeply?

Callisto: She is dangerous.

Me: And you think I can't handle that?

Callisto: I know you can but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something would happen to you because of me. I was the one who brought you here in this place after all.

Me: Callisto, be honest with me and your feelings. What am I to you? An ally, a friend, or something more?

Wow, I seriously couldn't have said anything more stupid. I wanted to know though. No, I had to know what he was thinking about us right now. This was the sole reason why I had asked him that. He was acting soo sweet to me that I started to feel that everything was real. We were together for the whole last week and nothing showed me that he was just acting. I mean at first yes but I started to think there was more... was it just me?

Callisto fell into silent as he looked at me. It seemed as if he didn't know the answer himself right now and to be quite frank as well, I for sure wouldn't be able to hear that answer right now. The duke and my older brother was here. If I would hear his answer right now, I might beg them to get back home which was hell for me.

Me: No, don't say anything right now... the duke is waiting for us.

It was me who pushed Callisto away and it was also me who decided to grab his hand and walk to the room they would be waiting for us. Call me weak if you must but there was no way, I could hear his answer. I wasn't prepared for the bad news at all. It would beak my heart.

Callisto: I-

Me: Shhh.... not now. Think about it first.

A pretending attitude I put up to get him going. A bittersweet smile and eyes that were filled with sadness because I knew very well that he would say that we were just good allies. However I was still hoping for more. I was hoping that what I could see in his eyes was true. I was hoping that how he treated me was not jut because he was worried for a friend. No, it didn't make any sense in my head. Why would he take off a whole week to show me how to use all these weapons just for me to be an ally. He could have asked his aids. I knew he had people around him, who he could trust as well so why? Why was he there for me? Why did he save me from the queen? Why was he doing all this?

Confused as I was, I started dragging him towards the room where the duke is and finally opened the door to it when we arrived putting on a happy go free attitude. The duke was not supposed to know how much I loved this place and how confused and sad I was right now.

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