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"Good evening, Rose"

The man looked down on me smiling

"Who are you?" i looked at him still laying down on my back

"My name's Mori Ōgai"

"What do you want? People usually mind their own business unless they want something from another" i said as i was making eye contact with him

"What are you doing laying at the ground in this cold windy night? You're gonna die"

the little girl finally spoke

"Does it matter if i die?"

"I saw you fighting a group of men earlier. I saw you fighting from the top of the building" He immediately changed the topic


"And after seeing your ability, it would be a waste for someone with that potential to die" I can see his smile widen as he finished saying that sentence

"Rintaro I'm bored~" the girl whined

"Now, now elise if you behave now I'll make sure to stop by your favorite candy store tomorrow~" I watch as i saw the man calming the child

"ahem... As i was saying i would like you to join the Port Mafia"

"The Port Mafia?..." I asked him

"Yes, I'm sure you have heard the Port Mafia Once or twice"

"i have heard about you a lot..."

"Oh?" Mori looked at me amused at my response

"Did you perhaps heard it from a certain someone who works at an orphanage"

My face darkens as i heard him

"Don't worry about that orphanage anymore, rose. Because the Port Mafia has already taken care of it"

I was quiet not saying single word nor a change on my face

"You might be curious why the Port Mafia is connected to that orphanage. That orphanage tried to outsmart the Port Mafia you see...I hope you don't mind us taking over it"

i stared at him then i finally opened my mouth "Why are you asking me? do as you wish. It's not like i can stop the Port Mafia anyway" He looked amused

"What is your answer, Rose? Will you join the Port Mafia?" I didn't immediately answered his question

The Port Mafia ey?  I wanna join but at the same time I don't...for now

"I'm flattered to have the boss of the Port Mafia to Recruit me Face to face"

"Yes Or No?" He asked Confirming my answer

"Yes, But on 3 Conditions" I finally sat up

"Hm?" Mori looks amused and surprised at my answers not expecting them "you're quite an interesting one aren't you?"

"My first condition is that I don't want to be known, i want to be hidden. To be exact, I dont want to be known that i am working at the Port Mafia and i dont want the Port Mafia members to know about me too unless i made up my mind and finally reveal myself"

"And your reason?" Mori ask curious about my reasons

"Second, I can leave whenever i want but don't worry I'll still do favours even after i leave. I'll give you my words that i won't betray the Port Mafia" i ignored Mori's question

He sigh giving up on questioning me about my unusual request "And the third?"

"my Third, last condition, i wont kill for a mission unless i need to"

Mori Eyes widen A bit after hearing all of my request "Honestly Rose, You keep surprising me. But, Very well If that is your request I'll approve it for now. I need to think about it first though but you should change and get some rest. We will continue to talk tomorrow, come follow me"

I stood up and saw him going back to the building "HEY! Didn't i say I don't want to be discovered, why are you going back there"

"Dont worry, There's a backdoor her heading upwards to my office, only some of the members knows about this" The man kept walking along side with Elise

"Yeah! High ranking ones! I don't want to be discovered especially being discovered by a higher rank" I told him trying to keep my voice to a minimum

loud enough for him to hear me

"Don't worry, nobody can enter this passageway without my permission so it's safe" He opened the door

i followed him"But what if someone is at your office though"

"You worry to much, but you haven't even answered my question why don't you wanna be discovered?"

"Reasons you will soon understand more or less in the future"

Because i know a lot about this world

we took an elevator taking us to the highest floor

Mori walked straight to his table and opened a drawer and took out a box

"Here, it's essential to have this nowadays since I can't see you face to face because you don't want to be discovered  at least we can communicate using this"

I Opened the box and saw a Smart Phone, a key, and a stack money

"Whats this key for?" i asked curious why there would be a key here

"You must have a house" He sat down on his

"A house? are you kidding me?  Don't you find it suspicious that a kid, not even 15 could afford a house" i said as i sat down at one of Mori's couch

What the heck it's so soft and comfy i relaxed trying to keep my self calm

"Then a small apartment would be okay for you.  Anyway, that's why I want you to find another job other than this because like you said a jobless kid with no parents can afford a house is quite suspicious"

"What!? I don't want to go to work~ and besides how do you expect them to hire me, a kid, to work~"i whined as  I made an excuse to avoid work

"Then why don't you cancel you're first condition then?" He asked

"Nope, not a chance but i will try to find ways how to make money but for now i wanna sleep" i placed my hand on my mouth then yawned

"Of course! Go to sleep then we can call in the morning about our deal" He took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it

"Here, this is the address of your apartment and my number"

"Yes, yes" i stanp up and walked towards the exist "then I'm off" is what i said before leaving

So hmm... is this the apartment?

Let me read...


i went inside the room them i went to the bathroom. i looked at myself on the mirror.  my red dress fave been dirty.  i took a shower

It's been a while since I can shower properly

after showering i yeeted myself straight to bed "AH! Finally! Oh how i miss you bed~" after laying on the bed for 5 minutes i slowly close my eyes

"I wonder how tomorrow will be"


Guys i just want to change her age from 13 years yo just 12 years old

oh and btw, Mori just recently bebame the port mafia boss thatsall see you next update

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