23: wardens of the night

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"Oh, Sorry for the late introduction, Dazai, Chuuya; this is Rose koizumi, code name: anonymous"


"Huh? We'll be working with her?" Chuuya was the first to say something and to Dazai, he didn't speak anything the whole night. He was cautious of this mysterious person and kept a straight face

"I'm sure you two will be compatible with her so there's nothing to worry about," Mori assured Chuuya but that's not what Chuuya meant

"If there's no more question then the meeting is over" Mori said clapping both his hands twice

"Well, then I'll leave, have a pleasant night" Rose was the first to stand up and tried to leave but Mori asked her a question stopping her from leaving

"Hm? You're going to reveal yourself? after all those efforts to conceal your identity you're going to reveal it now?"

"You already exposed me, why would I hide anymore?" Rose answered Mori's question making Mori let out a smirk

"Then," Mori stood up and followed Rose who is walking in the hall but this makes Chuuya, Dazai, and surprisingly Kouyou follow the two walking towards the lobby, a wide space in the building where most members are gathered

"Before you go, why don't you go and greet them" Mori turned his head to the side where the lobby is making Rose turn her head to the side too

There where four people infront of her and there are a crowd behind the four. What the four people did was genuinely shocked Kouyou and Chuuya but Dazai's face is unreadable

The four people bowed down kneeling infront of Rose making some of the people in the crowd bow down too

The people who was kneeling was confused because the four people who was kneeling are powerful people who have climb the rank just less than 2 years since they came

"I'd like to welcome you to the Port Mafia building, it's truly an honor to work under you, ma'am" a boy said

God... Do they even have humility? Rose thought a little embarrassed but she can't show that

She just nodded and went back to walking towards the exit Passing through the crowd. Her footsteps were heavy making sound each step she makes, even her hair gets softly blown by the cold breeze making a cold exit


"Hey, odasaku, have you heard that a new member joined yesterday?" Dazai said fiddling the ice on the drink

"A new member? I haven't heard any news about it yet." Oda calmly answered Dazai

"You haven't? You should know these stuff!" Dazai raised his voice "anyway, she was rather quite peculiar,"

After hearing that from Dazai, odasaku suddenly got curious. "Her first impression to the others were not half bad, but, there's something about her that makes me feel, uneasy (?)"

"Really? What was her name?" Odasaku asked Dazai

"Her name? Her name's..." Before Dazai could say her name, Ango cut him off

"Rose, her name is Rose," Ango said cutting off Dazai making the two look to the side and saw Ango. This makes Dazai lit up from his previous gloomy expression

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