16: Hello

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[Rose's POV]

i jumped back at my bed face first after not being back at my apartment for more than a week. i feel so exhausted but happy at the same time. finally meeting Odasaku feels great, now i get it why Dazai likes Odasaku so much, he's great

I turn my head to the side and saw that it was dark through the window. It has beed more than a week since i have stayed at Odasaku's house despite all the pain i have endured during the my stay, i have enjoyed it. this is the best way i have spent my break

However, how am i going to explain to explain it to mrs Ine, the nice old lady that gave me the part time job. I tried to think of a excuse but not a lie. But what about Jasmine, i always go at their cafe late in morning. it would be weird if i suddenly stopped coming 

there with no explanation nor goodbye. i tried to think of an excuse again connecting both of my excuse then...

"i got it"


I opened a door and walked in a library wearing a white buttoned up blouse, a pleated skirt just above the knee, and a light gray cardigan with two pockets on each side. I speed run and went at the librarians desk and saw Mrs Ine. Her eyes slightly widens in shock

"G-goodmorning, mrs Ine" i slightly stuttered in purpose and looked nervous as i waved my hands at her 

"How have you been?" I avoided eye contact looking at her right side 

"Rose-kun? is that you?" she said 

"Yes... i can explain" when i said that her eyes softened and i saw her stand-up and walked at her small office that i went when i first met her. She signals me to sit down on her green couch. The room changed when i first came in here

When i first came in here there was only a desk and a chair scattered with documents laying on the desk and ground with lots of file drawers almost like a storage room but for files. and now back to the present:

the room have a major glow up, things were now organize. no more scattered documents, there were only a few file drawers, the floor have been replaced from bad quality torn up floor mat with great quality wood, there was now furnitures other than the desk and the chair, there was 2 small couch facing each other and one small rectangular table in between with a circle carpet mat laying underneath all the furnitures with a theme color of green

There was green curtains, green colored couch, green colored carpet and green leaf plants on a white vase. it also have an air conditioning

"wow" i was not expecting this at all and only in a few days...

my eyes wonder in the cool room as the cold wind from the air-conditioning hit my skin

"Surprised?" Mrs ine chuckled at my reaction. Though i would not lie this is the kind of aesthetic that i was looking for. she laughed again and signals me to sit once again. i sat on one of the couch. she poured me some tea and i happily accepted it

"Tell me, Rose, where have you been? i kept contacting you, i kept coming back at the cafe you always go, and i even visited you Incase something happened. you nearly gave me a heart attack to be honest" I can tell that she's genuinely worried by the look of her face

though I don't understand. why would someone let alone an old woman worry about me that they have been desperately looking for me? but after i heard her question and explanation something made me feel a little i don't know suspicious? weird? uncomfortable? i can't explain it properly but i just shrugged the feeling off, i have bigger things to take care of other than some small details like this but i still have to be on guard 

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