Chapter 3: Beneath the Stars

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"The Stars are really pretty tonight

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"The Stars are really pretty tonight."

"I've recently seen something I'm more willing to fight for."


In the profuse halls of the suite on the top floor of St. Clair Hotel, the air was thick with the tension that hung over the family like a storm cloud. Y/n stood in the center of the grand living room, her eyes burning with defiance. Her parents, draped in designer attire, wore expressions of utter dissatisfaction. The source of their ire was transparent: the cursed child, Y/n.

"Y/n, you're a disgrace!" Tom's booming voice echoed through the room, causing May to cower behind the elaborate furniture. "We invested so much in both yours and May's education, and you've chosen to manipulate May into throwing it all away. May is a year younger, yet she was on the verge of entering university!"

Y/n rolled her e/c eyes, which only fueled her parents' wrath. "I couldn't care less about your approval, Tom. May is your beloved genius. Why don't you just get rid of me and be done with it?"

"We should have given you away years ago!" Betty yelled at her daughter. The disdain in her Mother's eyes was palpable, but Y/n wore it like armor, determined not to let their expectations dictate her worth. "You were a curse the moment you were born if I had known, I- I would have killed myself and you with me!"

May gasped and ran out of the room, their Mother yelling more at Y/n for upsetting her.

Later that night, Emilio entered the shared bedroom of the sisters and saw Y/n packing her luggage.

"W-when are you leaving?" Emilio asked timidly, unaware of the family tension that night. His brown hair was afro style as he sat at the window leading to the fire escape. His brown eyes gazed at her curiously. He looked more like Salvador than Gabby. He was the youngest—to be fair, Salvador and Gabby were twins. He was seven and sat with his red ninja plush and water ninja PJ pants—the lightning ninja-themed shirt.

Y/n did not turn to face the boy who had entered, putting as much of her belongings in the two cases she was permitted to take as she could fit inside. "Early tomorrow," she dismissed the question. Soon, she felt arms around her torso.

"Okay. Come visit! I'll miss you!" Emilio chirped, not understanding what was happening. Y/n sighed and turned around, taking him into her arms. She patted the boy's afro, making him laugh.

"I will just stay safe. Oh, remind me who your favorite ninja is again?" she asked jokingly, in a manner that no one outside that room would ever hear. Emilio thought hard about it and then held up his plush. "The red one!" he chirped.

Then, his eyes lit up with joy. "Wait here!" He ran to the window and down the fire escape. After several moments, he returned with a green ninja plush, offering it to her. "Here! To protect you!" He beams. Y/n holds a smile and takes the toy.

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