Epilogue: So that Happened

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'Just jump up, kick back, whip around, and spin

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'Just jump up, kick back, whip around, and spin

And then we jump back, do it again



With a groan, a hand pushed the snooze button before retreating into the comforting cocoon of covers. The blonde-haired boy had no desire to get up yet. A new school year was starting, and he never looked forward to that, especially after having a particularly good dream.

"Lloyd! Time for school!" Koko's voice called from downstairs, breaking through Lloyd's hazy reluctance to leave the warmth of his bed. Groaning, Lloyd forced himself to sit up and begrudgingly began the ritual of getting dressed.

Sluggishly, he made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. As he stood in front of the mirror, toothbrush in hand, his mind drifted back to the recent events that had been weighing on him. The fight with Harumi, the unresolved feelings about Y/n, and the mysterious figure with the Oni Mask of Vengeance — all of it added to his sense of unease.

He recalled how he had been credited for Y/n's work, the guilt weighing heavily on him. And then there was Y/n herself — he had meant to visit her, but when he arrived at the boat, all he found was a "for sale" sign. It didn't make sense to him, and the unanswered questions gnawed at him.

Not to mention, during summer break, the Oni Mask of Vengeance had resurfaced after the ninja thought it was lost. The figure who possessed it was peculiar, often helping Lloyd in mysterious ways, even if she never spoke. She would assist him, look out for him, and then vanish without a trace, leaving him to wonder about her true intentions.

Dragging himself downstairs, Lloyd grabbed his school bag before offering a tired farewell to his mother. The red-haired woman smiled softly at her son, her eyes filled with maternal warmth.

"Still looking for that girl?" she teased, her voice gentle. "When you do find her, I would like to meet the girl who stole my son's heart."

Lloyd rolled his eyes, dismissing her words with a wave. "Mom, I don't have a crush," he insisted, though a faint blush colored his cheeks, betraying his denial.

With a final kiss on his head, his mother wished him a good day before he headed out the door, his mind still swirling with unanswered questions and unresolved emotions. Once he arrived at the bus stop, he noticed the children edging away from him, a subtle exclusion he chose to ignore, even as they boarded the bus. With a determined stride, the boy disembarked and let his green eyes scan the bustling school halls until he found his friends. Their familiar faces brought relief, and a smile finally graced his lips as he approached them.

"Hey, Kai, Nya, Cole, Zane, Pixal, Jay," he greeted them, the weight on his shoulders lifting in their presence.

"Hey, buddy, what's up?" Kai asked, noticing the tension in his friend's demeanor.

"Yeah, you seem kinda off today," Nya chimed in, concern evident in her voice.

Cole clapped a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Anything you wanna talk about, man?"

Zane, ever observant, analyzed the situation. "Your body language suggests discomfort. Is there something troubling you?" Pixel nods in agreement.

Jay tried to lighten the mood. "Yeah, spill the beans, buddy. We're like a ninja family, remember? No secrets."

Lloyd sighs. "I am okay, just wondering how we missed that mask is all." He waved off. Pixel offered her insight on the subject.

"Between the portal and attempting to Locate Mr E as well as making sure you recovered from your injuries missing the mask would have been easy. We should count ourselves that the holder of the mask isn't cursing chaos in the city." She spoke.

Interrupting the conversation, was Chen, the stuck-up barrette walked over. He wore a blue letterman jacket but held Pom poms. "I see the garmadork and his loser squad have arrived," the boy declared. Lloyd groans, annoyed and his friends match his mood.

"That name is so old," Lloyd muttered.

"You did not just disrespect Chen like that!" One girl squealed, not unlike a bird.

"Oi, is there an issue here?"A female voice spoke up. The group looked over at the girl, and while she looked new to everyone else Lloyd knew exactly who she was. Her h/c hair that falls was tied back in a high, neat ponytail with some left out to frame her face. Her e/c eyes were looking boredly at Chen. She wore comfortable clothing, a pastel blue sweater, over her loose black, baggy pants with tightly tied tennis shoes. Chen, undeterred by the newcomer's intervention, mustered a smug grin as he turned his attention towards her. "Oh, just a little misunderstanding, nothing to concern yourself with," he replied, his tone dripping with condescension as he regarded her with thinly veiled disdain.

His dismissive attitude didn't faze the newcomer, who maintained her composed demeanor, her gaze unwavering as she returned his stare with a cool detachment in her doll-like eyes. "I see," she responded evenly, her voice betraying none of the irritation that simmered beneath the surface. "Well, I suggest you and your friends find somewhere else to cause trouble. We have better things to do than deal with your antics."

Chen's smirk faltered slightly at her confident rebuttal, but he quickly recovered, puffing out his chest in a feeble attempt to assert his dominance. "You don't know who you're talking to," he retorted, his bravado faltering as he struggled to maintain his composure in the face of her unwavering resolve.

The newcomer merely raised an eyebrow in response, her expression unimpressed as she met his challenge with a steely gaze. "And you don't know who you're dealing with," she countered, her words carrying a subtle warning that sent a shiver down Chen's spine.

Chen hesitated for a moment, his pride warring with his better judgment, before finally relenting with a begrudging nod. "Fine, but this isn't over," he muttered, shooting a final glare in Lloyd's direction before stalking off with his cronies in tow.

As the tension dissipated, Lloyd couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him, grateful that the confrontation had been diffused without incident. "Y/n, What are you doing here- Don't you live in Stiix?" Lloyd asked, unable to believe his eyes.

"Yeah, figured I could use a change of scenery." She smiled. "Besides, I'm closer to friends here. See ya around Greenie." She walked to class and she did so she could hear Lloyd'd friends tease him, making her smile as she didn't regret a thing. In her mind, Lloyd really did deserve the world.

Meanwhile, in the shadows of the building, a dark ghostly figure watched the scene play, a wicked smirk plastered on his face. "Enjoy it while you can Green Ninja." He cackled.


"Mystake, when do we start?" 

"When you can get to the top of this mountain."

A/n: This is the end. I have this on quotev as well and I hope you enjoyed it. All images except the cover came from Pinterest, credit to the owners. There will be a second book that will evaluate Y/n's relationship with the other ninja as it wasn't possible in this one- the plan is to make that book have more chapters, and I still have a new story which I am working on as well. If there is something you wanna see in the next book let me know, I'll see if I can make it fit in the plot. Mr. E may have a redemption ark- if I feel like it or he may just vanish off the planet, all is up for grabs. Bye, lovelies! 

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