Chapter 4: Beneath the Sun

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"It's hard to get to know you when I am always hitting a closed door

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"It's hard to get to know you when I am always hitting a closed door."

"If it is that is the case, do me a favor, stop knocking."


As the stars flickered in the night sky, casting a gentle glow through the windows, the room was filled with awkward silence, with neither girl speaking. The room was simplistic, and Y/n could see papers stashed under the couch. I was keeping a mental note to read that later.

"So... um, do you like popcorn?" Harumi finally broke the silence, attempting to ease the awkwardness.

Y/n's lips curved into a faked, hesitant smile. "Yeah, I do. Thanks for having me over, by the way."

Harumi's shoulders relaxed slightly at the response. "Of course! I thought it would be better to offer some comfort after Lloyd ditched you. What are friends for?"

Y/n nodded, her gaze wandering around the room as if searching for something to say. "Your room is nice."

"Thanks," Harumi replied, feeling relieved that the conversation was starting to flow more naturally and only planning to ease her into the trap of her plan.

They spent the evening munching on popcorn, playing board games, and sharing stories about their lives, Y/n making a fake life story. As the hours passed, Harumi found what she thought was the best way to manipulate the 'naive' girl.

As the clock struck midnight, Y/n yawned, feeling the exhaustion creeping in. "I guess we should probably get some sleep," she said, stifling another yawn.

Harumi nodded in agreement, her eyelids drooping with fatigue. "Yeah, sounds good."

They settled into their sleeping bags, the room now filled with a comfortable silence. Y/n remains until an opportunity presents itself to look at the other female's plans and discover how she remembers Lloyd's role in her life when the loving Mother she met didn't.

The irritating symphony of seagulls' screeches and the relentless crash of waves penetrated the air, rudely yanking the blonde-haired teen from his slumber. Grumbling with annoyance, he begrudgingly dragged his weary body out of bed. The room, cramped and suffused with marine decor, was illuminated by a porthole above his bed, which allowed an intrusive stream of morning light to filter in, creating a warm but irritating glow. The boat, seemingly in sync with his discontent, responded with a subtle sway as if taunting him for daring to disturb its maritime tranquility.

With a grumble, Lloyd looked over Y/n's notes, trying to understand what some of them meant. Moving to the dresser, he put his note in the top drawer. He grabbed the clothes he bought that would fit him. His eyes looked at the card number on the blue sticky note with bold letters: Online orders only. He moved to get dressed.

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