Chapter 7: Above the Clouds

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"I love how a plan comes together

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"I love how a plan comes together."

"I would love it if you told me what the plan WAS."


Y/n wakes up to Jay using a blowhorn at the doorway of her room. "Wakey, wakey!" he snickers before narrowly avoiding a pillow thrown at him. "Zane made food..."

She groans in reply before she gets splashed with water, and she jumps out of bed to see Kai holding a bucket. "You have 10 seconds to run." She glared.

Jay and Kai looked as if they were trying to determine what to make of her threat. They only ran when she started to count. Once they were gone, she began to dry her hair. She heard laughter behind her and felt a towel drop on her head.

"Lighten up. They were joking," Lloyd said as Y/n took the towel to dry her hair.

"Fight me," she sassed before remembering who she was talking to. "Wait—never mind."

"Come on—we trained last night; Mom figured out the scroll," Lloyd said, walking out and stopping at the door. "Get dressed first." Then he closed the door.

Y/n shuffled to the compact closet tucked away in the corner room. With a disdainful glance at her limited wardrobe, she grabbed a pair of faded denim jeans, something Lloyd lent her- seeing as she had stolen his pants before. Paired with a bright turquoise tank top Nya lent to her. With her outfit assembled, Y/n moved on to her hair, mussed into a tangled mess during the night. A quick brush through the unruly waves and a haphazard twist into a messy bun, too lazy to deal with it further.

When she walked out into the hallway, she met up with Lloyd, who was in his green ninja attire- oddly enough- the other ninja were off with Wu training.

"Are you going to be questioned?" Y/N yawns, seeing as the sun rises, beating them and the deck in an orange glow. The blonde has a giant smile— unlike a child who finds their favorite toy after it is lost.

"Watch this." Lloyd grins as he walks to the edge of the flying boat and stands on the railing. Despite being half asleep, Y/n 's body quickly moves forward as she helps him fall backward off the boat. "Lloyd!" She reached the railing, looking down to see nothing but clouds. Her e/c iris scanned back and forth for the boy.

"Lloyd!" She yelled again, groaning. She slowly stood on the railing and found her balance. She groans. "I need to stop jumping off things." She jumps, closing her eyes instinctively.

She forced her eyes open as she looked for Lloyd- whom she soon caught up with on her descent. He looked peaceful despite falling about 900 feet from the sky if Y/n had to guess.

As she plummeted through the air, the rush of wind engulfed her, whipping at her hair and clothes ferociously. The air around her was cold and biting, stinging her cheeks and causing her skin to tingle. She could feel the pressure building in her ears as she descended. Further, the roar of the wind drowned out all other sounds.

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