Chapter 10: Above the trees

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"Is this the end? I'll never see you again

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"Is this the end? I'll never see you again..."

"Pft, Not likely. I'm not so easy to get rid of!"


Mistake had meticulously orchestrated a plan with Y/n, ensuring that every detail was accounted for. Each ninja had their designated position within the crowd of the Sons of Garmadon, and there was a transparent protocol in place to ensure the safety of innocent bystanders in case anything went awry.

Y/n played her role convincingly, allowing herself to be 'captured' by Ultraviolet, feigning disorientation as she was led to the secret chamber beneath the palace, assuming it still stood. As she surveyed the room, her gaze subtly swept over each ninja in their hiding spots, confirming their positions. Her eyes briefly met Harumi's, who held the third and final mask at the front of the room. Harumi's surprise was evident as she addressed Y/n.

"How did you... You fell off the boat... You're supposed to be dead," Harumi spoke, her tone betraying her confusion. Moments later, Lloyd was brought into the room, his condition less than ideal as he was thrown into a cage.

"It doesn't matter. I've captured Lloyd, and I'm going to make him feel what I had to endure when he didn't..." Harumi declared, her conviction faltering as Y/n burst into laughter.

"What's so amusing?" Harumi demanded, her composure slipping under Y/n's mocking gaze. "You're pathetic. Not only do you need assistance to torment someone, but you've also got the wrong person," Y/n retorted, her smirk conveying a chilling confidence. Lloyd's expression mirrored Harumi's disbelief as he processed Y/n's revelation.

Harumi's hands trembled slightly as she struggled to grasp Lloyd's sword. Her disbelief was palpable in the tension of her muscles and brow furrow. She couldn't fathom that the person standing before her, mocking her with such audacity, could be the very target of her vengeance.

Y/n, on the other hand, seemed to revel in the moment, her smirk widening as she observed the effect of her words on both Harumi and Lloyd. Her demeanor exuded a chilling confidence as if she had been waiting for this confrontation, prepared to unveil her true identity most dramatically. 'The plan is working perfectly. I am so glad I built this up. Now to keep this up a bit more,' Y/n thought to herself, crossing off mental steps to ensure Lloyd's safety- even if just for another day.

"What are you talking about?!" Harumi's voice cracked with anger and uncertainty; her accusatory tone tinged with a hint of desperation. She pointed the sword at Y/n as if clinging to it for some semblance of control.

Y/n's laughter cut through the tension like a knife, mocking and merciless. "You want revenge on the green ninja, right? That's what you said over the phone. Because the green ninja didn't stop a big ol' snake," she taunted, her words dripping with sarcasm. "Well, I am the green ninja. And you are after Lloyd? How stupid—even when we met, you called me his girlfriend, yeah?"

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