Chapter 9: Above the Sun

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"I am unstoppable!"

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"I am unstoppable!"

"Run, run as fast as you can. You won't get away with messing with my man."


The journey through the dark and winding forest was grueling and tiring. With a determined expression, Harumi Lloyd's sword and marched confidently ahead. The vengestone cuffs moved to pin his hands behind his back.

As Lloyd's weary eyes scanned the dense woods, desperately searching for a way out, he stumbled over fallen branches, dodged hidden traps, and saw menacing creatures until he finally spotted a way to escape if he had the opportunity. Lloyd, his body aching and mind clouded with exhaustion, was forcefully pulled into the foreboding Oni temple, where the chilling echo of Harumi's voice demanded that he take the Oni Mask of Hatred. Lloyd's sharp gaze swept across the room, hunting for an escape route until a cunning gap in her elaborate scheme finally caught his attention.

"I mean, you cuffed me behind my back; it would be hard to grab." He smirked, watching Harumi fume angrily as she ordered her goons to uncuff him. Lloyd swiftly took out her goons.

Harumi glared, annoyed, as she charged at Lloyd, her thundering footsteps reverberating in the oppressive silence of the room. She was poised to unleash her assault. Harumi's agile movements matched Lloyd's swift dodges and counterattacks as the clash escalated. She lunged forward, her sword gleaming in the dim light, aiming to catch Lloyd off guard. Lloyd had to dodge as the girl held his weapon. The intensity of their battle filled the room, echoing off the stone walls as they danced around one another in a deadly ballet. Lloyd's determination to escape fueled his every move, while Harumi's relentless pursuit of power drove her forward with unwavering resolve.

With a swift kick, Lloyd disarmed Harumi, sending her sword clattering across the floor. Seizing the opportunity, he pressed his advantage, delivering a series of rapid strikes that forced Harumi onto the defensive. But she refused to yield, her eyes burning with fury as she was ready to fight tooth and nail to regain the upper hand.

"You know I did kill your girlfriend," Harumi smirked. Lloyd's eyes widened, and he once again felt conflicted before that faded to anger. Lloyd looked pissed and ran to tackle Harumi.

Y/n sat on the large green Dragon. The first half of her night was spent struggling to fly it, and the last half was spent lost. All she was was the sea and the sky. "Fantastic- is this what the green ninja has to deal with? If so, how is that boy even alive?!" She vented to the dragon, who merely purrs. "I bet you miss him like he misses his friends. Gosh, I'm a jerk... Once I fix this, he won't need to worry about my bad attitude anymore."

The Dragon moved its head, attracting Y/n's attention. "What's the matter?" she asked, following its line of sight to an island. You're amazing! Let's go down, yeah?"

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