Chapter 24 • ...A Double Date?!

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China's POV:

There's not much food which interests me in his hotel. It doesn't provide anything that looks good. Sure, this place is expensive, but it doesn't mean I trust it's hygiene! I don't want to think about how they cook food here. I'll be very glad when I head back home; I know exactly how the food is being prepared there. I've only drunk coffee, and that's only because Wales encouraged me to do so. 'Wouldn't want you passing out randomly.' Or so he said. But, I'd thought he'd encourage me to try tea, not coffee. Isn't that what British people drink?

Well, with that said and done, we both decided to walk around for the time being. It would be nice to get some fresh air. It's even better we left early; North wakes up way too late and would just insist on coming. So, now out in this bitter weather, we both just walk around the streets. I don't really have anything in mind. Neither does he – or so I assume since he's not saying anything either. Do I need to say something? What would I even say? There's so much, yet so little, I want to ask. But, I don't want to seem nosey. It's a bit rude to get into someone else's business.

"So, how are you doing?" Wales asks.
I could've just asked that myself.
"I'm doing fine. And you?"
"Fine, too." He tuts.
I don't mind that noise. Actually, I find it quite enjoyable. The tutting suits him, also.
"By the by," he tuts once more, "Scotland had given me a message earlier."
There's a heavy shift in his tone. Still indiscernible, but it's enough to warrant some worry in me. I can only imagine what it's about. He takes a breath in.


"England is starting to get better. He might wake up soon." He states dryly.
His walking pace slows, as does mine. At some point, we both stop walking as I just give him an awkward stare.
"Do you think he'll remember anything?"
"We'll have to wait and see." He shrugs and keeps moving.
It takes me a full second to catch up. I start to speak my mind:
"He wouldn't know I did anything, would he? I mean, I didn't take part in it, I only watched."
"I figured," he responded, "you're clearly not the type to get into messes."

Is he joking..? Is he actually joking at a time like this?! I'm stressing out here! Can he not tell?!
"Was that a joke?!"
"I'm serious." He utters in some deadpan expression, "You've always got gloves on – you're always washing your hands after meetings – you're very mindful of where you step. I'm highly sure you wouldn't be one to get into that sort of thing. You're simply an accomplice."
I just stare at him with a – or what I assume – a dumbfounded look. I've only known him... What? A week? And he already correctly assumes a lot about me. Wales continues speaking,
"I'm certain Soviet is more likely to do that sort of thing. He did lob a bottle at Britian, afterall."

"Excuse me? How do you know that?"
Had he? I wouldn't be surprised... If he was drunk while he did it. Saying that, there was a scar on Britain's head last time I saw him in that meeting.
"Is it not obvious? Britain goes to his place for two days and when he returns there's a horrible gash on his head. I've seen plenty of bar fights and know that type of scarring only happens with a glass bottle."
I'm not one to talk bad about another, especially my own ally, but I feel it adds to the conversation.
"Soviet does drink fairly often," I cough out, "maybe too much."
"Figured." He tuts.

We continue pacing slowly through the city. I'm very mindful of where I step: avoiding puddles and dirt along the pavement. I've also no clue where we're headed. Maybe he has no clue either. It's not bad or anything... A simple walk is fine. But, it's not enough to cleanse my mind of the idea that when that liability wakes up, then Soviet, North and I will be in the most horrific trouble we've ever been in with the west. I just can't be asked with any other wars in all honesty.

"You don't think they'll assume I had anything to do with it – if he remembers anything that is?" I finally ask.
He hums in wonder,
"Well, it's not I can vouch for you."
That is not comforting to hear. But I should've known that'd be his answer. He does have evidence against me. I rest my head in my hand, feeling the silk of my glove.
"Let's just hope he doesn't wake up," Wales utters with malice under his breath.
It's kind of frightful to hear any sort of malice from him. He doesn't look the type to do anything rash... But... I'm certain if he could get away with it, then he'd definetly do something.

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