Chapter 37 • Operation Break-up!

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No one's POV:

China had spent much of his focus on forging letters and prepping a folder to send it to NATO. He knew what he was doing was risky, but he also knew that this was the right thing to do. His old ally had betrayed him enough, and it was time to do something back. Soon enough, China (with some skilful workers at hand) had finished most of it. He sent the drafts off to his accomplice, who could give good insight into whether or not it looked convincing enough. Two weeks of this constant back and forth continued until finally, both Wales and China were convinced their operation would be a success!

When China sent off the (physical) document to NATO, he made sure to send a message to his accomplice in preparation. Wales had appropriately dubbed this 'operation break-up' in the messages he sent back to China. Now, all they'd be doing was waiting for a response.

The documents arrived to NATO within days. The package was checked over a dozen times for any spyware or poisons laced onto it; nothing of the sorts was on it. Intrigued by the circumstances, NATO only briefly looked over the documents. He wanted to share it with everyone part of his organization. But, he did make sure to read the letter China had written, all with the needed context.

'Dear NATO.

This letter may come as a surprise. You're most definitely well aware of the situation between Soviet and I, as I'm aware of the relation between you and him. To prevent the spread of his ideals, I've given you a document filled with all the information I have regarding Britain and Soviet's personal relationship with each other.

I hope this finds you well. Use this information however you please.

With best regards,

((This is what I'm using my grade 6 in English lang for, omg...))

NATO had called upon all his members for a meeting... all except for Britain. Instead, he opted to invite four of his kingdoms: England, Scotland, N. Ireland, and Wales. All together, it was over ten people.

As America sifted through the documents, a wide smile appeared on his face. Everyone else, who all had a peek at the contents, were just as intrigued. Canada pouted,
"We must do something!"
"Nothing has happened yet," France muttered.
"No, not yet," responded Portugal.
A few others agreed in unison.
"We should definitely interfere, and soon. If Britain is affected, then we might be too!" Italy and Belgium worried.
"That'd be horrible!" West Germany cried out.

Canada hugged his mother in need of support.
"Tu iras bien, n'est-ce pas maman? (You'll be fine, right, mother?)" Nada whimperd.
"Oui, I will be. Don't worry," she smiled affectionately. "Your father wouldn't dare do anything to me!"
America nodded in affirmation.
"No, Britain wouldn't dare!"
"But... But it's like he's replaced us with that commie!" Canada pouted more.
"We need to think about what we should do," Netherlands inturrupts.
"We need to get Britain way the fuck away from USSR!" England hissed, "We're the most likely to be affected here!" He gestures his hand to himself and the other kingdoms.

Everyone was in agreement to that. But there wasn't a clear cut solution as to how they'd do such a thing.
"I still think we should wait it out a bit longer," NATO suggests, "as in: don't start up so dramatically—"
America scoffed,
"And wait until something worse happens?! No!"
"I agree with NATO," both Germany and Netherlands ushered. "We shouldn't act so brash."
"Non, non! Something must be done immediately!" France argued.

The group was rather split on what to do. America (along with his brother, mother, Denmark, and Norway) believed they should act fast. The rest thought it'd be best to wait. In the midst of it, the four kingdoms looked to each other.
"I think we should act fast. I don't want to be like those communists because of Britain!" England argued.
Scotland huffed,
"But it is something we need to be careful going about with—"
"Are you mental?! I'm not waiting for something worse to happen!" England sneered.
N. Irlenad nodded,
"Neither am I!"

"Ask UN first!" Wales spoke up in a sudden burst of confidence which had the group quietly ponder their eyes to him. Very rarely had he spoken up. And he wasn't about to waste this chance. Before anyone else could interrupt, he continued:
"I'm sure he'd be more than willing to assist us! We have the evidence, so he'd have to be involved in a matter like this!"
England glared down at Wales as he awaited a response from the others.

"What do you think?" America muttered to NATO.
"Sounds like a good idea for the time being," NATO nodded in affiramtion. "Alright, America and I will speak to UN about it."

It was a solid idea that no one could really argue. After the meeting, however, England dragged Wales as close as he could, making sure he was in ear range and that just he could hear him. England spoke with an ugly hiss and scowl,
"Don't ever speak up like that again in a meeting!"
Wales looked up at him, with a confused hum in response.
"What do you mean? It was a good idea; everyone liked it—"
"And?! ..." England stuttered. "If you ever say something stupid, then it'd be an issue! So don't bloody do something like that again."
"... Alright." Wales slowly nodded with his fingers crossed behind his back.


America had practically burst through the door to UN's office. He scattered the documents onto the desk, calling out spastically:
"You won't believe what we've found!"
UN rightfully backed up. He raised his hand near to his chest, contemplating if he should yell back in annoyance.
"Don't do that, USA!" He snapped back. "Don't run into my office like that," he calmed his voice.
"I'm sorry, but look!" America tapped his hand on the documents.
NATO soon trailed inside, looking at the two. Eventually, the trio had managed to calm themselves and discuss the contents.

"See, he's planning to take over Britain! You have to do something! Right?!" America couldn't sit still.
"I think it'd be best to intervene," NATO followed up, sitting perfectly still.
A dreariness filled the room. The blinds were shut on an otherwise perfectly sunny day. The only light in the room came from UN's dim halo. His eyes looked over all the letters and documents with a keen eye.
"Alright," he sighed. "I'll speak to Britain."
"... And?" America expected more.
"I'll advise him to leave USSR." That's all the more UN would give.
America slammed his hand on the desk,
"You can't be serious?!"
"I am," UN stated clearly.
NATO nudged America's hand off the table.
"Alright, thank you." He said to UN, leaving the room shortly after and dragging America with him.

"You can't seriously think that's a good enough answer?!" America argued.
"It's the best we've gotten from him!" NATO quickly responded. "And he might be able to convince him. We wouldn't want to start a conflict, would we?"
Conflict could mean anything. A simple argument, a proxy-war, an all-out nuclear war... America wanted neither of those, so he calmed himself and nodded.
"Fine..." He felt he'd regret those words.

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