Chapter 44 • First time speaking in a while

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((Shush, shush, idc it's been a week. I have exams owo" be patient you ferals fu-
Anyways, love y'all <3 ))


Tiny British guy's POV:

I've never had such a headache before. Where am I? The whole room is a blinding white. It dizzies my senses. Slowly, I hoist up my heavy body to sit upright. Is this...? Is this a hospital room? What happened?! My memory was cloudy for nearly a minute, but everything cleared up the more I woke. That's right! I was a party and... what even happened before that? I just... fell! Oh dear! I must've worried so many people! And what about my family? They must be worried sick! Are they here right now? I turn my head to look around. The door clicks open. I swing my head to the door to see... not my family. But, they are people I look at fondly! UN and WHO take a step in.

"You're awake!" WHO chimes. "How are you feeling? Are you alright?"
I nod awakrdly.
"I'm feeling fine... a little groggy. How about you two?"
"I'm doing fine myself," WHO answers.
"Fine, too." UN says quietly, keeping his eyes at the door to stare out the little window. Is there someone in the hallway?

WHO crouches down to my eye level, a sorrowful expression on him. I hope I haven't worried him too much!
"Do you remember what happened? ... If it's not a bother to ask."
I think and think and think, but I just can't. What could've caused me to fall like that? My silence fills the room for a decent minute.
"Some people think you were spiked. Do you think that's the case?" UN spoke up.
Spiked?! But... was anyone that close to me in the first place to do such a thing—
"France!" I quickly spew out, trying to keep the thought. My eyes widen as I look back and forth between the two. "I felt ill after France had come up to me... She... might have something to do with it."
"..." UN gritted his teeth, visibly seething. "I'll deal with her later... Perhaps you'd like to speak with your family in the meantime? They're waiting for you." He forcibly smiled.
WHO nodded, too.

The two left shortly after, and I see my whole family pour into the room. Canada comes to hug me, nearly tearful. Kiwi and Aussie ask me how I've been, staying close to my bedside. NATO warmly waves to me, sitting to the side. And America watched over me like a hawk (or perhaps more like an eagle) with kindly eyes.
"How are you?" "Are you alright?" "How are you feeling?" My youngests all repeat.
"I'm doing fine now!" I try to utter out in all the haze.

"Did he have something to do with it?!" America spewed.
"Let's not burden him! He just woke up!" Canada pouted.
What does my eldest son mean?  Does he mean USSR?
"What do you mean?" I ask.
With a sudden huff, America takes a forceful stance and raises his voice - not intended to be taken as rudeness.
"That commie has been waiting for you! If he had anything to do with this!—"

"It wasn't him," I say gently. All eyes are on me. "It was France," I lower my voice. I hate to name and shame someone, especially when they're not in the room, but I suppose I need to. Don't I?
"Mère?" Canada gasps, "really?!"
America looks dumbfounded at my statement. My youngests - Kiwi and Aussie - give each other looks of uncertainty. I shouldn't have said anything. I hate to taint the image of others... how do I get out of this...?–

"You said... he was waiting for me?" I ask.
"Uh – yeah – that commie." America utters in malice. "Hopefully, he'll leave now—"
"Could I speak with him?" I ask. I don't know what came over me. It just felt right to ask... Well, if he has been wanting to check on me, it'd be rude not to let him... regardless of what happened.

With so much hesitance, especially from my eldest son, Soviet himself is allowed to enter the room. It's just us two... I can feel my entire body tense up as his looms over mine.

"Привет, Британия..." Soviet, who often had a loud, imposing voice, spoke softly in my presence.
I still can't believe that he... did all that. He faked a years worth of our relationship but still acts kindly now... Is he still pretending? I clenched my teeth. I want to speak on it, but what if he does something? Would he? He doesn't seem like he will... and, besides, there's plentiful people outside the room to rush to my aid. Do I want to take the risk?

"Soviet..." I couldn't bear to give a formal greeting.
"Are you alright?"
I nod,
"I'm doing fine." I shouldn't mention who was behind this. Goodness knows what he'd do... "Is this why you've come to see me? Just to check on me?"
He stated down at me with that single golden eye as it pinpointed me in place.

Soviet steps around the room impatiently.
"No... it's not the only reason. I said I wanted to know if you'd be alright, but... I needed to ask!" He looks back to me. "What caused you to leave me? Why the sudden break up? Why the no contact?!" A hunt of emotion, shown through tears, forms in his eye.
I sit, half-stunned at the question. Does he not remember? Or... was he truly genuine about the relationship? ... but... the evidence I was shown said otherwise.

"... You didn't love me." I spoke up.
"You just wanted to influence your ideals onto me. Didn't you?" My voice begins to wilt. My heart burns, still thinking it was real. But, in all honesty, it was most definitely not...
"What do you mean? No! No! Of course not!" He leaned in closer. "What made you think that?"
I shuffle back.
"I was shown letters you had sent... detailing your plans." I hold my breath.
"Что?" He steps back. "I never sent any letters! I never had a plan..." He looks at me with a tear-filled eye.
"You didn't?" I ask, doubtful.
"No! There was never a plan!" Soviet stops himself from speaking further. He just looks at me with an air of sadness. There's a low hum in the room that substitutes the silence.

"When I first began talking with you," He sits beside me, "no one else on your side was on speaking terms with you... I'll admit this: at the time, I had no plans of a relationship, but as time went on... I fell in love with you." He shifts closer. "And I still love you now. No matter what's happened, do you think we could reconnect? ...Please?"

His hand raises close to me. I take my time, looking at it. My heart beats widely. Can I trust him? After everything, can I trust him?

Slowly, I bring my hand to his.

"We can work on it..."


((Ahh, how cute <3 I wonder how the lovebird will reconnect. Anywayys, I have a task for you lot: go follow my friends account and like her art! That is an order!! Plz :3 ))

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