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((Someone asked this a bit ago, and I forog to answer, so here's an answer now:
Is USSR religious? Well, the country itself was atheist, but most people were still religious. For the purpose of the story, Soviet himself is a little religious (as you might have guessed)
Sorry for the long wait too. Exams are starting in TWO WEEKS QAQ
That's all :3 enjoy this long chapter!))


No one's POV:

1970. Early January, 1970. The start of a new year, a new dawn, and perhaps new relations? Well... UN (of all people) thought so. The past few months had him worrying about the decline of a détente (and if that declined, then more work would be wanted from him). So, as many powers had done years before he was born, he figured a great way to get everyone together, to move past it all, was to host a new years celebration. An invite was sent to everyone. The west: a poor Britain, a more than paranoid USA, a trustworthy NATO, ... France. And whoever else was there. And the east too: A just as paranoid USSR, his kid(s), the eastern bloc. And of course, everyone in-between!
And where to host such a party? Well, in the most neutral place possible! Switzerland! He was rather fond of such an idea, although it didn't affect him as much. And so, in the later afternoon (or early evening), most, if not all, countryhumans had attended.

At the entrance, which was decorated with vibrancy and warmth all around, stood UN, Switzerland, and WHO. UN was busy greeting the guests and Switz was there to be thanked for hosting the party in his country (or would it be better to describe it as a ball or gala?) As for WHO? Well, he lived in the neutral country, so of course he chose to stick close to the man himself, and UN as they were close friends (like brothers). But, when saw either China or Brazil, he just had to approach them to give them greetings.

Formally, with a tight, assertive grip, UN begrudingly greeted the French lady, who had so recently shown herself. She put on a sweet smile, dressed in pretty reds and whites with blues as accents.
"UN," she bowed down. "Comment vas-tu? (How are you?)"
"Fine," UN didn't care enough to speak in her language. "You won't be causing any trouble tonight, will you?"
With a sweeter laugh, France shook her head.
"Of course not! Actually... I want to make amends with Britain..." she hugged her arms around her body, making herself appear smaller. "I feel horrible for what I did."
UN tilted his head at first, peering down at her in odditity... but, it would be rude to assume she didn't meant it. He soon nodded to the remark and wished France a better rest of the evening.

The last few people began to stroll in. All were dressed orderly and looked less than lively for a gala, but instead more suited towards being commanded in an army. First came in Romania, then Czechoslovakia, Poland, East Germany, and then... Soviet himself. He looked the least enthused to be here, and such an expression only worsened when UN glared right at him. Just by his side, cuddling behind him, were three children. All must of been over 10 years of age, but looked too brittle to be so.
"Вечер (evening), CCCP (SSSR/USSR)." He held a hand out.
Soviet kept both arms behind his back with a straight posture. He glanced once or twice at the other's hand, but didn't shake it.
"И вам доброго вечера (evening to you too)."
Continuing in the same language, UN sought to engage further.
"I'm glad to see you've came, and with you children also." UN shortly waved to the three before turning his attention back to Soviet. "... You already know why this is being hosted, don't you?"
The children each took a step back collectively.
"Да." Soviet nodded.
"So, don't start anything, please. I've told USA the same." He quickly added before the other's temper got to him.
With that, and with everyone here, the evening could truly begin!


China had confided with WHO for the time being. They were both close already, and WHO didn't interfere much with politics. It was perfect for China, who would rather relax for the time being instead of discuss anything of the sorts. Had North decided to come, he was certain he'd already be in the middle of an argument because of him. Just close by was Switzerland, who was also close to WHO. At some point, the neutral country did join in on their conversation, and so too did a few other Europeans that had gathered around for mutual conversation. It was a moment for everyone to break away from politics and not speak from their entire land's perspective – rather peaceful in all honesty.

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