Chapter 33 • What's better: hangover or being drunk?

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Britain's POV:

February has hit harder than ever with its temperatures. I can't imagine what it's like in Moscow right now! I hope it's not too cold... Even if it is, I'm certain the hat I've been gifted will make me feel warm enough! And I know that Soviet will make me feel just as warm too when we meet!

The plane and car ride to his home was exhausting – I'm nearly half asleep! I've had my head rested against the chair the whole time, too excited to shut ny eyes and sleep. I haven't seen him in... three weeks! That's far too long! While we had been calling each other throughout that whole time, it's just not the same as him being there with me! I want him to be as close to me as he wants me as close to him... I guess that's one disadvantage to a long distance relationshp... But it's not like it can be helped!

While walking from the car up to his home, the air pierces me with sharpness. My body shakes at the temperature and, in turn, I knock quickly. My hearts beats faster as I await for him to open the door. I hug my arms around my body and then... a click signals that the door has been opened. I smile widely, ready to greet my partner. My head looks up, near the top of the door frame, but I don't see anyone... I bring my head down and see a younger boy instead. It's one of his sons! Russia I think...?

He peers at me with shaky eyes. I do feel bad for coming here so often – the children might not like strangers, let alone one who doesn't speak their language! Or one who has close ties with America... I smile kindly and treat him as if he were my own. With the little Russian I'm confident with, I say:
"Привет! Как ты?"
He looked me up and down and opened the door wider,
"Я в порядке. а ты?"
What does that mean? I stammer at first. I know what 'а ты?' means, so I'll just say I'm fine!
"Я х-xороший."

It must've been good enough, because he started asking a long question in Russian to me. I don't know what any of it means! I'm just giving this poor child a blank stare in his own home! What kind of manners is that?!
"Are you..." Russia begins, definitely not good at English as I'm not good at Russian, "you here to see my... папа (papa)?" He does little hand gestures to reaffirm what he means.
"Yes, da," I nod.
He smiles, perhaps happy with his English skills. It seems be coming a lot better than my Russian skills, so im happy for him as well. His small hand beckons me to follow as we both walk through the hallways. I've still not got a single clue how to navigate this place.

Finally, he takes me to a door. Russia hesistates before knocking. His knees are noticeably quacking... poor boy, I hope I haven't frightened him too much! I hear Soviet's voice echo from the other side. They two speak for a moment... why wouldn't he want to open the door?

Eventually, Russia nods his head at the door, signalling that I should enter. As my hand reaches for the knob, I hear quick footsteps run off. He ushers out a quiet 'Пока', which should mean 'bye', as he runs off. Is he allowed to run indoors?

I allow myself to enter, looking to my partner lovingly. Soviet was sat at the end of his bed.
"Привет!" I smile.
He turned his head, which had been resting in his hand, to face me. His leg was shaking (or bouncing), and he clearly hasn't slept well!
"How... How are you?" I ask.
My eyes notice the early sunrise reflect an near empty glass bottle.
"Hey, Британия!" He forces a smile and stands up, holding his arms out for affection. "I'm fine..! And you? ... How are you?"
Slowly, I make my towards him and hug him back. I bring my head up as high as it can go, but it's not enough to get anyways close to his.
"I... I'm doing good— Can you pick me up?" I ask, jumping up too.

"Sure?" Soviet complies, sluggishly picking me up. "Why?"
I bring my head closer to his... That smell... it's alcohol. Is he drunk right now? I hope not. I pray to God not. I give him a small peck on the cheek,
"That," I try to laugh it off.
He laughs back, kissing me all over too. Eventually, he sits back on the bed, still holding onto me.
"Its nearly noon," I spark up, "and your still in bed..?"
"I'm sorry," he lets out an annoyed sigh. "I just... have a headache, is all."
He's hungover, isn't he? ... I suppose it's better than being drunk.

I hum quietly in response, trying to cuddle up to him.
"Do you want to rest for a bit longer, then?"
"Yes, definitely!" He drags me onto the bed as he lies down.
I shuffle closer, feeling his arm hug around me. As we both lay down together, my eye spots the teddy I gifted him placed neatly with the pillows. I smile at the sight, but it doesn't distract me from the fact he had most definitely been drunk the night prior.
"Sovi..." I chime.
He hums back,
"Have... Have you been drinking at all?" If feels a little rude to intrude on his personal life, but I just want to know!
"... Does that matter?" He groaned.
"... You promised me you'd... Not drink so much!" I stuttered, afraid to argue.

He stays silent. My throat tightens. I hope I haven't upset him! Daringly, I raise my arm and hug his body.
"I'm sorry," I hear him mutter. "I've just... been stressed, alright?"
"What have you been stressed about?" I ask, now worried.
"... Work."
It must be horrible! To be so stressed out from work that he has to drink himself into a hangover! I feel so bad for questioning him about it.
"Is work that stressful?!" I usher.
"... да, да," he sighed, "But it's better now that you're here."
I felt his hand pat my head, eventually running through my hair. Even with a headache, which I can't imagine how unbearable it must feel, he still showed me affection. I hope he feels better soon!


((Guys, I make no promises, but....

A little art I did recently :) ))

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A little art I did recently :) ))

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