Chapter 39 • Miscommunication

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((Guys, guys, the offer is still up :) just 10 more followers on insta and I'll make a oneshot between Wales and China. Get me to 150 and it'll be three oneshots.
Anyways, enjoy this angsty chapter!))


America's POV:

"I'm sorry, America! I'm so sorry! I should've listened!"

Britain grips around my body tightly. I can feel his tears soak into my shirt. With struggle, I try to hold him off, but to no avail.
"Only now you realise?" I soon utter out.
He breathes in sharply, sobbing and choking on his own tears.
"How can I trust you after this!?" I hiss.

I can't. I won't.

UN casts a glare, sneering at my remark. Surely he can understand why I'd say it! Does he really trust Britain after this?!

Britain steps away from me.
"I understand that you won't... But I just want you to know I am sorry!"
"It'll take more than a sorry, Britain!" I can't believe I ever considered him a father.
UN steps forward, ready to belittle me,
"What?! After everything he's done!" I can't hold it in anymore, I have to speak my mind! "Since the beginning – since I've been born – he's been nothing but a shit parent! The colonization: the first ever war I had was because of him! Only my mom came in to help!—"
"That was between our people! I always loved you as a son, no matter what!" Britain cried.
I roll my eyes. I don't care how he cared for me back then! What he still had his people do was wrong!
"And what about mom?! You never loved her, did you?!"
"What...? What do you mean?"
I grit my teeth,
"You know what I mean! You treat her like shit and then she fucking divorced you over it! Have you not heard or were you too busy fucking the damn enemy?!"

"USA!" UN yells out.
He goes on a tangent on how I "shouldn't speak like that to others" and how it "makes a bad image for myself", but surely UN has heard what's going on?! I stop listening halfway through. All I can do is focus on Britain, who stands there with fake tears. He can't even bring himself to face me. Pathetic.
"It's true though, isn't it?!" I soon interrupt UN without much thought.
It's not like what he was saying was important anyways.
"What has France been saying about me...?" Britain whimpers.
"Oh, come on! You should know!" I hiss, "about what you did to her!"
"What did I do to her?!"
Is he dumb? Is he an idiot?! Now it makes sense why he'd get along with someone like that commie scum!
"What did you do to her?! I'll fucking tell you since you obviously don't remember!" I step forward. "You mistreated her, beat her, took her fucking money! And so much more!— do you not remember any of this?!"
"No! I didn't do any of that!— is that what she's been saying...?"
"What?" UN interrupts, stepping between me and Britain.

"Yeah, that's what we've been told by her! Have you not hear either?" Surely UN would've heard about this! And done something about it!
"I didn't do that!" Britain cried, "I never would!"
"I would've heard about it— she told all of you but not me...?" UN tilted his head.
"Probably because you've been siding with Britain this whole time!" I huff.
UN shakes his head in a brief moment of silence,
"No, no! I would've heard what had happened. France wouldn't hesitate to tell me if she told all of you."
"Okay, but you've been siding with Britain —"
"Before that!" He interrupts. "Also, France didn't file for divorce, Britain did!"
I roll my eyes, taking a step back. Surely he's just lying? ... I mean, UN wouldn't be the type to lie... Britain probably lied to him!
"Really? For what reason?! Its not like she did anything to him—"
"She cheated on me..." Britain breathed in shakily.

The room falls to silence. Is he joking right now? Surely not! Mom would never do such a thing!—
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to tell you... I didn't want to make her out as horrible, but..." Britain crosses his arms, still unable to look at me face to face. "I think I should've..."
"You're lying, obviously —"
"He's not." UN utters. "He showed me the papers a few months back."
I just glare at UN, unable to make out anything other than a:
"Yes, he showed me. Whatever France is saying is wrong."
"... Wait, you knew?!— Britain, you told him but not us?!"
"I didn't want you to end up hating your own mother!" He cried.
I bite my lip. My footsteps echo quietly as I pace back and forth. Surely mom wouldn't cheat? She wouldn't lie either?! She wouldn't! But... UN wouldn't lie either...

"Are you... are you serious?" I soon ask.
Britain nods, tears still streaming down his face. Could he be lying? Maybe he's still with that commie and is acting as a spy! ... But then why would UN be here? He could never be a spy! Never! He doesn't even like USSR!
"I never did anything to your mother... But I was with... Him... I regret it now! I didn't realise! But he was only one a the time who actually spoke to me after the divorce... it's fine if you don't forgive me now, but I do want you to know that I'm sorry. I really am," Britain... He could barely finish his sentence without choking on his own tears again.
I look to UN for reassurance, mouthing silently:
"Really? Is he serious?"
He nods.

So... I've pushed away Britain – my own father – for no good reason...? But... but after everything I was told by mom?! Something get caught up in my throat. Britain looks away, stepping back. I haven't said anything yet. No one has. We've stood quietly for nearly a minute.
"I'm sorry for bothering you," he mutters. "I'll –... I'll leave if you want." He begins to take another step back.

I don't know how to describe it, but a horrible feeling swells up inside me. Before he could take another step back I ran up to him and pulled him into the tightest hug I've ever given him!

"I forgive you!"

A tear wells up in my eye.

"I forgive you, dad!"

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