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"I don't know, I think I've never gotten the opportunity to be interesting."

The molten silver of his eyes burned into mine, "Why, you a naturally boring person?"

I giggled shaking my head "I don't know maybe?" I shrugged, "I was young when the first attacks happened so I've never really been asked what I like, there aren't really many people that care what children think when they're fighting for their lives."

Mention of the war had Ambrose tensing up which made me curse under my breath and rush to apologise. "No no don't be sorry," He relaxed again, "We shouldn't continue to pretend what happened didn't happen, it'd be stupid of us."

I bit my lip looking down, "I feel bad, I've ruined the mood haven't I?" I sighed putting my head in my hands, "I'm sorry I'm not good at this..." I thought for a second to think of the next word I wanted to say in English, "This communicating thing. I never really got to have many friends either when I grew up."

"I understand that," He gently pulled one of my hands from my face and gently rubbed his thumb over it, "I was sort of a loner growing up too."

"Well, I was literally fighting for my life," I raised an eyebrow, "What was your excuse?"

"Human beings are very simple minded," he explained, frowning, "They're very opposed to things they do not understand."

"You were not understood back on Earth?" I asked.

"I thought I was," He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "I was surrounded by many people who I guess I thought would fill this," He pressed his palm to his chest, "Void I've always had in me but they didn't," He looked away, "Then my parents passed away and I realized then that I was more alone than I originally believed."

My eyes softened at the revelation, "I'm sorry for what you have lost."

He shook his head looking back at me, "No no, I should be apologizing, my parents arrogance got them killed but you...yours were innocent."

"If you don't mind me asking, how did they pass?" I pressed, intrigued by the way he described their death.

"My parents were," He looked at me, "Some of the original humans who came to Mars."

I blinked, sort of recoiling for what he'd revealed, "You parents were invaders?" I choked out, feeling my throat close up.

His eyes widened, "No, no!" He shook is head widely, "No my parents were peaceful, very peaceful people. They came to Mars before the war. Before all of this when Earth and Mars were still friends."

My stance softened, "I think I would've seen them," I nodded, "They used to come when I was a child," A smile spread on my lips, "My leaders used to make such a fuss, I had to wear my most uncomfortable clothes on those days."

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