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"How could you?"

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September 7th, 2018

3RD person



Silence was all there was in Vittoria Ludovico’s apartment, if you were to walk inside it would be almost eerie, or abnormal. Usually you would hear the sounds of the artist singing, and if she wasn't singing there would be music on, yet if you were to walk into the italians home now?

 All you would hear is silence, walking in more you would see the owner of the place blankly staring at a wall. 

You may ask why? 

She just found out that the one person that makes her feel like the happiest, the luckiest person in the world, had died from an accidental overdose. 

She cant even cry, couldn’t. She loved him so much that it was simply just him in her heart, she felt nothing. No need to cry, no need to yell, scream, anything. She couldn’t feel anything, at least then she couldn’t.

Her focus on the one speck of dust on the wall was interrupted by the sound of a notification on her phone, looking over Vittoria saw that she got tagged in an article by one of her fans. Thinking nothing of it she did what anyone would do, and she pressed onto it.

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