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" I got a bad idea "

" I got a bad idea "

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September 19th, 2022

3rd person


VITTORIA HAD GOTTEN AN OFFER to be in a festival while in Poland. All she had to do was be the final artist to go on and play two of her songs.

So she agreed of course as well as she invited Rachel, Josh and gave them 2 extra tickets for whoever they wanted.

To say Rachel (and Josh though he would never admit it) were excited was an understatement.

Ever since they found out a week ago, Rachel said ' the only reason I'm living is to see you perform', which always inflicted many eyerolls.

Now the night of the festival and Vittoria was backstage with her dancers, waiting for the artist on at the moment to finish.

"- alright it's our first time performing in two years, are you all ready!" The Italian yelled in excited, resulting in her group of dancers to all cheer.

"Hands in everyone-" everyone put their hands in and waited for the speech from Vittoria.

"- I'm so proud of all of you guys, I have probably spent more time with you all then my own family-" many chuckles erupted thoughout the group and they all nodded in agreement.

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