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"I've written so much about him zig."

October 10th, 2022
3rd person

THE REASON FOR VITTORIA BEING SO BUSY WAS DUE TO the making of her next album.

Although she hadn't finished it yet, she did have some 'for sure' songs that were going to be on it. Her new single, 'Snow on the beach', as well as the song 'Labyrinth'.

She has written many songs that were on the 'to be determined' list, which seemed to be growing every day. But there was one thing that Vittoria couldn't help but think of.

That most of the songs that were going to be on the album, no doubt, were about Tom. What she was worried about was that he would be weirded out by her writing so many songs about him when all they shared was a kiss. An extremely passionate and emotion filled one.

Vittoria didn't know how he even felt about her, she supposed that there was some attraction somewhere, but she wasn't sure and she didn't want to push away her only chance at getting together with him by pushing him far away due to her habit of moving too fast.

But one thing was going to change if anything happened between them. She wouldn't move too fast, like she had with many of her relationships before. Every single relationship she had ever been in, she put so much into it at the very start, and although that is a good thing to do. Why did she do it when she barely knew them? And because she gave them her whole heart, made them her whole world, it broke her apart when she would move too fast in their relationship, in her feelings. And they would still be unsure.

But deep inside her mind, something that she had to keep on telling herself, was that Tom was different then all the people she had been with before. He was caring, attentive, and an absolute gentleman.

There Vittoria sat once again in her music room, with Carina beside her sleeping, staring down at the lyrics she had written the day prior.

She read of the lyrics and instantly more thoughts of Tom ricocheted off of every corner of her mind. No matter her worries, or doubts, she never stopped thinking of him, how perfect he is, and how he never fails to say the right things in the right situations at the right time. Just thinking of him made her swoon, her heart flutter, and her knees weak.

She didn't know what she would do if she wasn't with him in the future, what she didn't know is that he thought the same thing.

Looking down at the piano and the warm lighting that the early morning casted over the room, made her fill with imagination for the song.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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