1.4| weird but fucking beautiful

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"Snow on the beach, weird but fucking beautiful"


October 5th, 2022

3rd person


EVER SINCE TOM AND VITTORIA MADE cookies together, they were inseparable. Always texting each other simple things like 'good morning',  or 'good night', maybe even some 'how was your day's every now and then.

Even though it wasn't much, the thought and the energy, putting time away from each other's busy schedules to talk warmed each of their hearts considerably.

They had hung out another time after their baking session, simply going out for coffee in a small cafe, on a quiet street in Poland.

Once again, it wasn't much. Just a get together to talk about everything and anything, but it was theirs. A moment where they learned little things about each other, that would mean nothing to another person, but meant everything to them.

They both were falling endlessly in love with each other, even though the other didn't know. They could both feel it.

Whether it was the way that they looked at each other with pure longing and admiration glistening in their eyes. Or the way that they always wanted to be touching, even if it was something small like thighs touching while sitting beside eachother. Or how they'd hold hands and it would somehow feel intimate. They both couldn't help but fall deeper and deeper in love with the other.

And despite what they both expected to feel, they were perfectly fine with this. Vittoria thought she would be afraid of falling in love again, especially so quickly. But the more and more she learned about Tom, the more and more she was reassured that he would never hurt her if something did ever happen between them.

And while toms burning need to have someone to love and for them to love him in turn. He was instantly sure that Vittoria was that person, she loved anything that she could. She was what love would be if love could be a person. Picking up trash off the street unconsciously, not even stopping what she was passionately talking about before. Or the way that she would help old ladies cross the street, open the door for people, smile at anyone who she walked pass, or the way that she gave everyone flowers. For every small accomplishment someone in her life made, she would give them flowers, unknowingly warming everyone's hearts around her.

To Tom, it was impossible to not fall in love with her. That she was the epitome of love, it would be impossible to not fall in love with someone who gives love out like it's nothing.

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