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"we love eachother, even though we haven't said it to eachother. We knew."

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September 23rd, 2022

(the next day)

3rd person


THE CHILLY MORNING BREEZE DRIFTED across Vittorias long tan legs, where she could be seen walking fast down the busy streets of Wroclaw, Poland.

It had been almost 2 weeks since she first arrived, since she performed her song for the cast members, receiving many good messages and reviews, which delighted her very much. It made her feel proud and happy with how they enjoyed it, as well as how welcoming the cast members were, even if she met some of them only once.

Vittoria hadn't been on the set since that day, even though she hadn't been working with Francis at the moment she was still quite busy.

Her manager had messaged a multitude of different interviewers and companies, informing them of her residency in Poland for a few months, meaning she has been busy going from interview to interview.

She was a very hard person to get a hold of after all, many of the companies were surprised that they were able to even get her information, well anyone would be she did go missing for a few years, didn't she?

Vittoria turned sharply on her heels, turning the corner and going into the direction of the coffee shop she had found recently.

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