0.3| dark memories

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[#] WARNING MENTION OF RAPE !! if you aren't comfortable please skip the chapter !!



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" The rape
Will tear
You in half,

But it will
Not end you. "

- From Milk and Honey

- From Milk and Honey

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December 15th, 2020

10:51 pm

Vittorias POV


I WALK WATCHING THE GREY CLOUDS OF EXHALE from my haggard breathing mixed with the coldness of the air.

Walking at night alone is something I've been taken to as of lately, well obviously not completely alone as one of my bodyguards are following me a couple meters back, but you get it, pretty much alone.

Looking down I watch as my black heeled boots make indents in the snow with each step I take, watching in concentration as I try to make perfect footsteps in the ankle deep snow.

Soon turning into a couple minutes of walking with my head down, I end up on one of the main streets in Augsburg which just so happens to be where at least 5 different night clubs are located. Yay lucky me.

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