1.5| snow on the beach

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"I realised I loved him. And I know he likes me, I just hope he will learn to love me."



3rd person

October 6th, 2022


WHENEVER VITTORIA WAS IN HER MUSIC ROOM IT was either because she was struggling to make music or she couldn't stop thinking about something, resulting in her making music.

In this case it was the latter. Vittoria couldn't stop thinking about the kiss that she shared with Tom, it felt perfect.

She didn't think that she could fall harder for Tom more than she already had, but she did somehow. So there Vittoria sat, in her music room staring at the lyrics she had written so far.

and it's like snow on the beach
weird but fuckin' beautiful
Flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful
you wanting me tonight feels impossible
But it's like comin' down, no sound, it's all around
Like snow on the beach
Like snow on the beach
Like snow on the beach
Like snow, oh, oh, oh—”

Vittoria knew that they were perfect, everything that she learned about Tom seemed perfect. His face, his hair, his eyes, his stupid grin he does. His height, his laugh, his jokes. The only thing that Vittoria knew how to explain Tom as would be Perfection.

Even though theoretically Perfection is impossible, in Vittorias eyes, Tom would be the only one able to achieve it; he already has.

Maybe it was Vittoria being delusional, or maybe it wasn't. But she swore to the sky's above her, that Tom was perfect.

He was the epitome of Perfection, if perfection could be a person, it would always be Tom.

New Instagram post from vittorialudovico

·★·°♪°·★·New Instagram post from vittorialudovico ·★·°♪°·★·

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