1.6| happy personality, sad soul.

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"Goddamn, Man child"

October 7th, 2022
3rd person

VITTORIA HAS BEEN KNOWN FOR WRITING SAD, tragic and heartbreaking music ever since she started releasing. Even now, when all she is happy, the dark parts of her mind continue to push her to write dark and soul crushing music, so she does.

Of course she is extremely happy with her little situation with Tom, but she can't help but let the darker, more creative parts of her mind that she always had take control of herself while she writes music. While yes, she has released love songs about tom, but her speciality with song-writing is putting her fans through the most heart-breaking experience that they are changed each time they listen to her songs.

While she shouldn't enjoy that, the sick parts of her did. Knowing that the weird but incredibly talented parts of her dark brain could be admired in a beautifully dark and tragic way. Even though she was an extremely happy person, the way she expressed any sadness she ever felt was with music, if that meant releasing soul-crushing songs in the process she guessed that it was what it was.

So once again Vittoria found herself in her music room, ready to write sad music. Even though she has always had a happy personality, she has also always had a sad soul.

It had always been that way for her, Vittoria had always had a very sad and tragic brain, but she cherished it in a very weird way.

Sitting in front of her beloved piano, she couldn't help but think of all the trauma she had been through throughout the years. Losing Mac, getting blamed for his death, or having a secret relationship that mentally scarred her for years, and yet she couldn't even talk about it. Talk about the fact that she was in love with someone who didn't even care, resulting in her feeling alone. She felt so alone because of the fact that he made her feel so, when he sexually assaulted her, she didn't know what to do. She didn't know how to get through her life, but somehow she did, she powered through and acted as if nothing happened. And she became successful, even with her pain pulling her back.

Vittoria just sat there in silence, with carina snuggled up to her against the warm piano seat, staring at the piano keys as if they personally affected everything that ever went wrong in her life.

As if her piano is the reason she felt everything so much that it felt as if she was constantly drowning.

The one thing in this moment that she couldn't stop thinking about was how her first love hurt her in the biggest way you could ever hurt someone. Not only the fact that he played with her or that he cheated on her a multitude of different times, but how before he left he sexually assaulted her. No matter that it has been years since that has happened, the pain of that happening to oneself never truly heals.

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