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ROWENA RAVENCLAW HAS ALWAYS BEEN A PROUD WOMAN. Quick to love and equally as quick to hate, her two daughters were raised to be the artifacts of perfection. Helena and Rebekah, the envy of all of Hogwarts, the children of the founders themselves, the two perfect girls with their perfect mother. Until Helena stole Rowena's diadem, a crown filled with unknown magic, vanishing into the night without a trace, and leaving Rebekah behind.

NOW, HELENA IS DEAD. Murdered by the boy who loved her more than anyone, stabbed by the apple of Rebekah's eye. Love, she decided, was useless, in the end. Not when it could be ripped away, just as Helena was ripped from her, just how William was.

SALAZAR SLYTHERIN KNOWS HOW TO MANIPULATE, and the grieving girl in front of him is the perfect opportunity. When he demands Rebekah steal her mother's mysterious new invention, and bring it to him, he didn't mean for everything to go wrong. He didn't mean to send her one thousand years into the future.

TOM RIDDLE KNOWS SOMETHING IS WRONG. Girls don't just appear out of thin air, frightened by everything they see. As much as he wants to get rid of this so called Rebekah, he knows she harbors something he could use to his advantage, and he covets that more than anything.

THE DIADEM HAS BEEN A MYSTERY for as long as Tom has known about it. A powerful possession, capable of bestowing just about anything -- according to legend, anyways. And he needs it.



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