02. The Ghost of You

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I find myself unable to breathe, unable to think, unable to do a single thing but sit there and absorb the words being thrown at me, words that make no sense whatsoever.

"Time travel?" I manage to sputter, blinking rapidly as I feel my stomach clench up. "What...what year is it?"

"Nineteen forty one," Madam Bailey answers with the bow of her head. "I'm deeply sorry for this. Perhaps there is a way to send you back?" She glances at Dippet as she says this, who shakes his head.

"Time turners can only go back five hours," he sighs. "There hasn't been a time turner made that can go further than a year since the fifteenth century. They were deemed too dangerous in court — the case of Rebekah Ravenclaw was even brought up in the trial about it. And by the looks of it, hers is broken," he motions towards the alleged time turner dangling from my neck — or what remains of it, anyways.

I bite down on my lip, feeling tears well in my eyes once again. "I do not understand. I...I cannot return home?"

"Not in any way that we are currently aware of," Dippet answers. "I'm unsure of any way we could return to you one thousand one. I'm deeply sorry, Miss Ravenclaw."

It is like a punch to the gut, and I nearly hunch over from the pain radiating in my core.

"What do we do with her?" Alphard breathes, his bright blue eyes still as wide as they had previously been, staring at me with shock. "Do we just...keep her here?"

"Perhaps that is best," Dippet says. "We should keep her here, until we are able to find a way to send her back to the time period that she belongs in. Unless either of you have a better suggestion?"

Madam Bailey shakes her head, alongside Alphard, both of them seeming equally concerned.

"Headmaster," he begins, "Is it safe, for her to be known as Rebekah Ravenclaw? Should we...should we lie, and say she is someone else? To keep anyone from...well...I don't know what exactly they would do, but..."

Dippet dips his head in a nod. "You're correct, Mr. Black. I don't deem it safe for Miss Ravenclaw to have her identity known, if not just for the sake of popularity. We don't want anyone getting any ideas about time travel, as well. No, she'll need a new name."

I hate the way they are speaking about me directly in front of me, as though I'm not there, but I cannot think of anything to say, anything to add to the conversation about my fate.

"We can say she is related to me," Madam Bailey offers. "My granddaughter, perhaps. Rebekah Bailey. I doubt anyone will question it. We can say she was homeschooled until now, until she insisted on coming here. No one outside of this room need know the truth."

Dippet turns to look at Alphard, eyebrows arched. "I trust you will keep this entire ordeal a secret, Mr. Black. Correct?"

He nods. "Of course, Headmaster. I won't tell a soul. I swear it."

My heart is pounding in my chest, far too fast to be healthy, as I accept a hand Dippet outstretches for me to take. "Rebekah Ravenclaw, it is an honor to meet you indeed. Or should I say, Rebekah Bailey?"

"Thank you," I force a smile, though all I can focus on is the nausea building in my stomach, and the pounding in my head.

"Come with me to my office," Dippet says, his voice gentle, as though worried he may startle me. "We may discuss things further there. Mr. Black, you may return to your class, and Madam Bailey, your patients. Thank you very much."

My lips quirk ever so slightly as I rise to my feet and trail after Dippet, praying to all that is holy that he does not notice the slight tremor in my legs. I cannot come off as weak, I know that, not in a strange land with strange people who I do not know nor trust. I must keep my wits about me.

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