09. Curiosity Killed the Bird

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My friend pokes her head out from behind the curtains that surround her bed, eyebrows raised and her hair flying around her head, framing her dazed smile with a mess of curls. "Yeah?"

"Have you seen my book?" I ask, pushing myself back underneath my bed in a desperate attempt to find the book of Salazar's that I found. Though no matter how I search, digging underneath piles of clothes and other books I have tucked beneath my mattress, it is for naught, as I come up with nothing.

"What book?" She asks, her voice wafting from behind me as I hear a rustling sound.

"A Guide to the Arcane," I respond, inhaling through my nose as I finally retreat from underneath the bed. I know for a fact I kept it hidden beneath there at all times, and that I have not touched it in ages. The only other explanation is that Abigail must have taken it — but for what reason? Why would Abigail touch an old book full of riddles and strange, old fashioned language?

"Who's it by?" She asks as she sits down next to me, crossing her legs.

"No author," the lie slips off of my tongue with ease. "It is anonymous."

"I see," her lips press together as she contemplates this, brow furrowing together. "No, I don't think so. But I'll let you know if I stumble upon it, yeah?"

I exhale a breath, heart fluttering. If Abigail did not take it, who did? Why could it possibly not be in its typical spot?

Sensing my distress, Abigail reaches over, tugging on my arm and yanking me onto my feet. "Come on Beck, let's go to breakfast. We'll find your book later, okay? I'm starving."

With a defeated sigh, I nod, agreeing that perhaps it is best to search on a full stomach, where my mind could be clearer. Allowing her to drag me into the Great Hall, I take my typical seat next to her, and across from Alphard, who is mid conversation with a boy I have not seen before. He wears Gryffindor robes, and has the palest of skin that I have ever seen. When I sit down, he looks up at me with raised eyebrows and a confused expression.

"Who are you?"

"Rebekah Bailey," I answer swiftly, hoping he does not notice the way I nearly trip up before saying my last name. "And you?"

"Finn Beckett," he outstretches a hand for me to shake, which I tentatively do, feeling his cold skin against mine as our fingers meet. "I'm a friend of Alphard's. Why haven't I seen you around before?"

"She's new," Alphard explains before I can say a word, our eyes meeting for the briefest of moments.

"I see," Finn gives him a knowing nod. "Are you related to Madam Bailey?"

I nod. "She is my grandmother."

"Lovely woman," he continues. "I'm in her office every other week — I play Quidditch, you see, so I'm always being smacked with bludgers and the likes. Haven't fallen off my broom yet though, which is a plus."

I am unsure what to say, though luckily, I do not have to, as the door to the Great Hall opens, diverting my attention towards Tom as he walks in, the blonde boy who was cruel to me at his side. Abrarax, I remember his name to be. Abigail's former boyfriend.

Something settles in my brain the moment my eyes fall upon Tom, upon his handsome features, which I now realize mask a master of deception underneath. A mask of deception because, he is the only other living person who knew of Salazar's book. If she is telling the truth, and it was not Abigail who took it, it must have been him. He saw me with it, he was curious about it, and he now knew how to get into the Ravenclaw common room.

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