22. Deepest Devotions

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Content warning: very sexual content. More in detail than I have gotten before. I only did it out of spite tbh because of a few hate comments I got about my smut. They were like "you have too much of it" so I added more :) ps Rebekah has a degrading kink! Ok that's all xoxo

The return to Hogwarts is uneventful at best, and downright boring at worst. I do not see Tom, as he is in with the Prefects, alongside Abigail. Instead, I'm stuck in a compartment with Alphard, Druella, and some boy named Evander. Druella's brother, apparently. Alphard and Druella bicker the entire way, leaving Evander and I sitting there awkwardly, watching it all go down with pointed stares and furrowed brows.

Only when the four of us step off of the train do I spot Tom, at the same time he sees me. He abandons Abraxas Malfoy mid conversation, pushing him to the side and sauntering over to us.

"Little Bird," he greets me with a grin that shows off all his teeth. An arm wraps around my shoulder, hugging me tight to him, though I notice as he speaks, he is not looking at me, but Alphard, as though the boy has done something to offend him. His eyes only deign to meet mine when he presses a kiss to my temple. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too," I admit, and I notice Alphard shifting uncomfortably through the stormy clouds that make it difficult to see.

"I'm going to go find Abigail, and hopefully catch a carriage with her," he announces, tucking his hands into his pockets as he looks at me. "Do you care to come with?"


"We're fine," Tom answers for me, fingernails digging into my shoulder. "Come, Little Bird. I have something I need to discuss with you."

Giving Alphard an apologetic glance, I waste no time before following him into a horseless carriage, shutting the door behind us so no one else can enter. The gentle sound of rain taps atop the ceiling begins to enter through the carriage just as I sit down, signaling that the clouds have given way.

"What did you wish to speak to me about?"

His lips curve upwards, and he moves from the seat he had taken across from me, instead moving so he is next to me, hand brushing against my own. "I'll tell you later. I haven't been alone with you since the summer. We should...make the most of it."

It takes a moment to understand what he is referring to, and when I do, my face heats up, glowing a bright red.

"We are in a carriage," is the only intelligent thing I can come up with as his hand brushes against my upper thigh, sending excitement through my entire body.

"So? No one can see us."

"Quickly," I say, gulping, eyes flickering towards the carriage window. No one would be able to see us, surely, but even so...it feels wrong.

Part of me likes that. The wrongness of it all.

"Get on top of me," he commands, but does not allow me the time to do as he says, instead grabbing onto my waist with both hands and pulling me above him as though I weigh nothing. My legs are on either side of him, knees digging into the velvet booth of the carriage and arms wrapped around his neck to keep myself steady as the carriage takes off.

He wastes not a second before digging his fingers underneath my skirt and sheathing them inside of me.

The summer has been an educational one for me — I discovered there is a library only a mile away from Madam Bailey's home, and made use of it, visiting almost every day and devouring all sorts of books. Though the ones I was drawn to the most involved the pleasures of the flesh, men and women and all the ways they pleased each other. With their hands, their mouths, their arses, bloody hell, there are so many ways to please each other that do not involve the loss of my virginity.

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