23. The Old and The New

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"Hello class, and welcome to sixth year Defense Against the Dark Arts," the new professor greets as he steps through the door to the classroom, shutting it behind him.

"He's awful handsome, wouldn't you say?" Abigail whispers into my ear, though not very quietly, as Tom, who is on my other side at the desk next to ours, glances over at us, frowning.

"He is not my type," is the hushed answer I respond with, as I twist the ring around my finger. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Tom smirk.

"My name is Professor Peter Awad, and I will be conducting this class now that Professor Merrythought has retired," he begins, eyes flickering across the room, examining each and every student as though searching them for something. When his eyes settle on me, I shift in my seat, glancing down at the floor.

"Today we will be discussing the unforgivable curses," Awad continues, and when I look up from my lap to observe him, his eyes are still fixed on me. Tom seems to notice this too, as I see his head turn to glance between Awad and I. "I doubt Headmaster Dippet has any interest in me delving into such subjects, but alas, I deem them worthy of your knowledge. How else will you fight them, if you are not aware of their existence?"

"But sir, won't you get into trouble?" A girl I do not know the name of asks with the raise of her hand.

"That is my burden to bare, not yours," he shrugs, finally averting his gaze from mine to look at her. "Now, would anyone care to inform us on what the unforgivable curses are?"

Evander Rosier's hand shoots up from next to Alphard.

"Yes, Mr...?"

"Rosier, Sir," he answers diligently.

"Mr. Rosier," he flashes Evander a smile. "Go on, inform us of what you know."

"The unforgivable curses are, well, unforgivable. You'll get locked up in Azkaban for the rest of your life if you're caught using them."

My eyes shift over to Tom before I can stop myself. How many of them has he used, I wonder. I know for a fact that he has used the imperious curse, as he had performed it on me that time in the Chamber, when making the Vow. The killing curse, he has certainly used, considering he has Horcruxes. That is, unless he prefers to use his hands when committing murder...

I swiftly revert my attention back to Awad, just as Evander finishes speaking.

"It is possible to resist the imperious curse," Awad continues. "Though quite difficult. In fact, I have only met one person capable of such."

"Who?" Abigail pipes, eyebrows raised.

Awad shakes his head, waving a dismissive hand, though as he does, I notice once again, his eyes meet mine. "No matter. I wish for you to pair into groups of two, and come up with a group essay on the unforgivable curse of your choice, and how best to avoid its use on you."

"Partners?" Abigail asks, reaching over and grabbing onto my hand.

"Sure," I answer, and she grins from ear to ear.

"Brilliant," she begins digging in her bag, pulling out a massive scroll to work on, and hands me a quill. "Merlin, it seems like it's been forever since we last talked, hasn't it?"

I shrug. "I...I suppose so, yes."

"You've been busy, then?"

Another shrug, as I bite down on my lip.

"I like your ring," she offers when I remain silent, nudging towards the black gemstone I am wearing. "Where'd you get it?"

"Tom gave it to me."

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