20. Blood Stained Hands (I)

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Trigger warning: attempted sexual assault (not between Tombekah). While no assault actually occurs, it's still a bit disturbing in my opinion. Take care of yourself <3

"Rebekah, dear," Madam Bailey gently taps on my door, startling me out of the book I had my nose in, as it slips out of my fingers and falls onto the bed I am stretched out on, my stomach against the mattress. "You have a visitor."

My heart leaps, as I expect Tom to walk in, but instead, when the door opens, Dorian is revealed. Dorian, who in the chaos of the previous school year, I had just about forgotten of his existence. Though if he is upset by my lack of communication over the school year, he shows none of it, simply smiling at me and waving as though nothing is amiss. "Hello, Rebekah. How have you been?"

"Good, I have been good," I let out a breath as I push myself off my bed and onto my bare feet, padding across the room and wrapping him in a tight hug. An apology hug, I figure. "I have missed you, though."

Against me, his arms wrap around me, and I can feel him smiling when his cheek brushes against mine. "I've missed you too. I thought you said you'd write me."

"I...I had a busy year. I am sorry," I apologize swiftly as we let go of each other, though his hands remain placed atop my shoulders, keeping me directly in his view.

"It's alright. I've been busy too — loads of family stuff happening."

"All good, I hope."

He shrugs, flashing me a lopsided grin. "Nothing you need to worry your little head about, yeah?"

"Will you kids be alright if I leave for a bit?" Madam Bailey glances between us, diverting both of our attention back to her. "I'm a nurse," she begins, explaining to Dorian. "And I'm needed at a home a bit away from here, with a pretty complicated case. You'll be alright on your own for the night, right, Rebekah? If you get too scared on your own, you can stay at the Mclarty's house."

My face burns a furious scarlet, and I can feel Dorian eyeing me with amusement as I fumble for an answer. "I will not be afraid on my own...Grandmother. Thank you for your concern, though."

"If you're certain. Dorian, I needn't remind you that you must behave."

"Of course," he grins brightly, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes at the concept of someone as soft as Dorian breaking a rule. "I'll be the perfect gentleman."

"Of course you will," she reaches over, patting him on the cheek once, twice, before giving me a smile and walking out of the bedroom.

"Your grandmother is a sweetheart," Dorian concludes the moment we hear a door shut from somewhere below us, the house so old that sounds are not muffled, despite magic seemingly being able to help with such issues.

"She is," I agree.

"I'm surprised she'd let us stay in a house alone together — and overnight, for that matter. My mum would never let me be alone in a room with a girl in general, let alone spend the night with one."

I let out a gentle laugh. "Where does your mother think you are, then?"

"My mate Tobias's," he waves a dismissive hand. "I'm really not supposed to have female friends, you know. So I'm taking a big risk with you."

I blink, unsure how to respond.

"Whatever," he steps around me, making his way to sit down on the top of my bed and crossing his legs the moment he is seated. "So, what all went down at your posh school while you were busy avoiding me?"

"I was not—"

"I'm kidding."


"Come, sit next to me," he pats the empty spot on the bed, and I eagerly rush over towards him, taking my seat. While I had left a few inches between us, he immediately fills said space, scooting over so our bodies are nearly pressed against each others, in a similar way that Tom had on the train. "So, I remember you mentioned some friends. Can't recall their names, though. How are they?"

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