30. In Flight (III)

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"You were supposed to pull out," I huff against Tom's grip around my waist, holding my naked frame against him, still trembling from the intensity of my climax just moments ago

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"You were supposed to pull out," I huff against Tom's grip around my waist, holding my naked frame against him, still trembling from the intensity of my climax just moments ago. "This is the sixth time now. If I did not know better, I would say you were trying to get me pregnant."

"Would that bother you?" He raises his eyebrows, with his head rested against the pillow and his gaze fixed on me.

"We are too young to have children. We have yet to even graduate."

"We wouldn't have this problem if you went on the potion like I suggested."

My nose scrunches at the reminder of that strange potion he had introduced me to. "It tasted like an armpit, and gave me a headache."

His eyes roll, then so does his body as he pushes himself up and into a sitting position atop the bed. We had only come into the Room of Requirement, as he now calls it, to check in on Awad's corpse and confirm no one has found it. But every time we do this, which is becoming a weekly habit, Tom finds a way to get me into the bed, turning our investigation into a union of our bodies.

No one knows what happened to Professor Awad, though there is an array of rumors spread about his disappearance, stretching from an illicit affair with Headmaster Dippet going wrong, to having a mental breakdown and running into the Forbidden Forest, and is now surviving off of unicorn blood. Dippet has taken over his class in the meantime, though he is on the search for next year's professor, as he apparently struggles with all things related to the subject.

"I have good news," Tom says as he tugs his trousers on.

My eyebrows lift. "Yes?"

"I spoke to your sister yesterday."

The subtle smile I am wearing fades, the reminder of my sister and her existence a jolt to my stomach, a knife to my heart. "What did she have to say?"

"Everything, my dear," he grins with all his teeth. "She had everything to say. She told me the location of your mother's lost diadem at last."

I want to be happy for him, to celebrate and rejoice with him, I do, but when he speaks these words, all I can hear in my mind is the voice of Salazar, warning us against so much as touching that diadem. Its curse spread to my sister, claiming her life in retaliation for stealing it, and I have no desire to be its next victim.

But I cannot be the one to upset Tom with this knowledge, I refuse to face what may be his anger when he has lusted for this object for ages. So I force my lips to curve upwards once again, force my eyes to grow wide, and force myself to spout excited claims of how wonderful this will be. Tom does not see through the commands I inflict on my body, simply pulling his tunic over his bare chest.

"We should get going," he says as he reaches down and tosses me my skirt, which had somehow wound up on his side of the bed in the merging of our bodies. "It may be the last day of term, but you and I both know Dumbledore won't take kindly to tardiness."

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