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Varahi sat in the garden swinging lost in her own thoughts as her legs moved to push the swing up to create the momentum , cold breezes blew up to her face making her close her eyes as she pushed her hair strands back.

"Varahi, aren't you feeling cold?" She turned her head as she only had a shawl wrapped around herself .

"Dadi , no not really , I am fine" She replied smiling at her  .. "please come" She said shifting slightly on the porch swing.

"No , come let's sit there" Dadi said pointing towards the seating area of the garden , as they reached the seating area.

"Why were you sitting here all alone ?" Dadi asked as she looked at varahi with soft expressions.

"Nothing dadi , I was just sitting"

"It’s sunday and even your dear busy husband is at home , you should be there" Dadi said while Varahi nodded .

Varahi didn't had any idea about how she was supposed to answer Dadi’s question , though she continued . "He is busy," Varahi said, looking down at the grass and then shifting her gaze to the fountain water which flowed down the wall.

"It's okay , go talk to him and throw his files in the cupboard and lock it and open it tomorrow" Dadi said with a great enthusiasm which made varahi chuckle as she looked at her and she continued ..

"He will definitely spend time with you , It is just you have to ask him once , he is always so talkative when it comes to his family' yeah exactly family . With his family

Was she his family?

"Yeah , I know," Varahi whispered.

"Anyways dadi , I wanted to ask you something, I want to go to my parents house , Actually I wanted to ask Papa but he isn't here and I just didn't talk to Mummy ji about it"Varahi changed the topic not wanting to talk more.

"Hmm , you can ask now , Ragini   '' Dadi called her mother-in-law and signalled her to sit beside her while Varahi’s looked at dadi , blinking her eyes she turned her neck towards her mother in law , who soon came and sat next to dadi.

"Ji ,  Mummy ji" Ragini   said as she sat beside her Mother-in-law.

"Your daughter-in-law wanted to ask you something" Dadi completed as she shifted and rested her back on the couch and they both sat facing each other.

"Um, Mummy ji ,  I wanted to go to my parents house, It's been really long" Varahi completed as she was really missing her parents , her brother and family.

"You can go but not now as it is Yuvaan 's birthday coming and he was saying to throw some big party and invite some of our relatives too , So you can go after that" Ragini   said with absolutely nothing reflecting in her voice.

Varahi nodded as she remembered Yuvaan  telling her about his plans for his birthday.

"Yooo, what's up my ladies?" Yuvaan  entered the garden with usual cheerful persona which could make anyone's day.

He said on the couch swing and sipped his coke.

"Are you planning on breaking it , Yuvaan ?" A deep husky voice was heard as Yuvaan  turned his head and smiled. "Bhai, Come"

He shifted inviting Avyaan  to sit while offering him his coke and Avyaan  accepted both his offers as both the brothers swung on swing slowly creating the momentum.

They both looked at each other at the same time and also looked away at the very instant.

"Mom, how about we go somewhere after My birthday party , let's take Kia & her family too, what say?"Yuvaan  said as he rested his elbow on his brother's shoulder who ditched within a second.

"Yeah, now you are going to take your girlfriend and her family to a trip" Dadi said disappointment lingering in her voice as she looked at him and almost gave a look that meant a no.

A frown made its place on Varahi's face confused about Dadi's behaviour, she was always so cool about stuff like these , she herself spent a lot of time with Yuvaan's girlfriend , then what went wrong?

"I don't find any problem , Mummy ji" Ragini   continued as she noticed the change in mood of her mother-in-law.

"Ofcourse" Dadi said sarcastically with anger dripping through her voice which made Ragini   look down, not able to meet her gaze.

"Dadi , let it be , It's not even planned yet" Avyaan  said as Dadi looked at him.

"I know but-"....  "I know , let it be dadi , nothing is going to change, never , I promise" Avyaan    Completed cutting dadi off in between, Varahi couldn't make out about the conversion but Avyaan's words sounded so promising and assuring as  if assuring her something as if he knew what dadi was thinking.

Dadi smiled, her expressions finally calming , Varahi's gaze fell on Ragini   and she couldn't make out about her expressions too , she had this weird expression.

What the hell is wrong with everyone here?

"How about we order food from outside?" Yuvaan  said, sensing the tension in the air, yet he didn't talk about Dadi's disappointment.

" Yeah , whatever Dadi says , we will order," Avyaan  said, bringing a sweet smile on everyone's face.


I hope you enjoyed.

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