Chapter:- One

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Author pov :-

"find him , he must be here and there" A cold voice which is fully of anger , tension and other mixture of emotions come at once again when he told to find someone but whome? The man in his 20's say that line to him under workers "y...yess b.boss " again some voice which are shivering due to seeing the anger of their voice of boss "Be careful that he doesn't go outside and find him quickly , now leave everyone " again the man said while hitting his hand of his desk " yes sir we got it " the 5,6 man's said who are standing in one line, putting down their head's infront of their boss . And leave to find him

OTC ( on the call )

"hello!! Yes , where were you i already reached, tell me where should I come? " A sound of like angel come, the sweetness in her voice is really heart touching to every cold person, can fall for her ."ohk, huh!! " On the other side a male sound come the sound was energetic, full of excitement.
"yes sir.. tell fast I can't stand more" again that girl said "yeah firstly stop calling me sir I'm your friend so call me *TAEHYUNG * and in short call me tae , did you get it panda aka my y/niee " they both chuckled after their conversation of giving intro each other " I now you tae Now tell where I should come." She said to him .

A little introduction

Kim taehyung is a good friend of y/n and her big brother " PARK JIMIN" y/n and Jimin are siblings they lost their mother when she gave the birth to y/n and about father he is a great business and the partner of a biggest company, in the company there are three biggest partners first MR Kim they have only single child name kim taehyung, second Mr park they have two child Park Jimin and park y/n and last one was Mr Jeon and they have two child both are brothers, the eldest child name no one knows cause they always kept it secret and the youngest one was" JEON JUNGKOOK"
and these three families are very good friends of each other. * pov end *


"don't need to come , wait for me in the cafe , I will come " he said to her for waiting for him in cafe of his company, means which is of y/n two because y/n have interest in business where as jimin he likes to open his own bar or club for teenagers
"ohk " she said and cut the call .

Y/n pov - as he told me to wait for him in cafe i Said ohk and cut the call , and start going their but suddenly,  sound of sobbing and hicpus start reaching in my ears, first i ignore it but not soon as I start listening crying sound, I saw everywhere around me , where is the sound coming from ?, so my eyes suddenly felt on one room
I think it's Storeroom and i went near the room slowly opening the room door i meet with darkness and all darkness around the every corner of room and my eyes suddenly felt on mess state of children seeting in corner and crying messily I kneel down in his level and patted his back " hey boy everything is fine I'm here " and he suddenly hug me

" P...plss t..tak...e m..mee " i listen his cut voice he is sobbing mess now " yes let's go out " I said and take him in my arms like kola style and not forgetting to clam down him " hey don't cry I'm here , open your eyes see we are out from that room " I said while cupping his face with my plams he opened his eyes slowly his eyes are Fully swollen due to continuously crying i put my both thumb on his both eyes " shhh relax stop crying first , no one is going to harm you until I'm here " and remove his tears he opened his every again his eyes are literally shining and only remember the person of my life whome i love unconditional but not able express..... So i calmly relax him .

Y/n pov end

?? - sir please calm down !!!
?? - what came down huhh! What Ms.Lee you said huh!! He is my child, I'm worry for him .
Ms .lee - yes I know Mr . JEON JUNGKOOK but !!
Jungkook - just leave Ms Lee !! Pls

Ms Lee pov - ohh God why this fucking jungkook was warried about the child after all he is a child of his first wife and now his wife leave him so why he is taking care of him and he just give attention on me and in business not that basterd child. * Before she could think anything more jungkook scream on her * pov end

Jungkook - leave!!!!!! Ms Lee now!! .

Jungkook pov :-

Where are you my son i know it's my fault sorry for yelling you but that Time I'm frustrated sorry son where are you , I was thinking it and suddenly my one man come and told me everything where is he .
Pov end

Jungkook - heyy ! Jungwoo * after listening his father song he hugged y/n tightly* how many times i told you not go anywhere without tell me and don't talk with strangers* he said in anger also in warry voice and took him in his arms* and you girl , you have no Idea "Who i am" don't dare to touch my child, got it ..

Y/n - yeah firstly My name is y/n and i don't care who are you , so please and the rest of this child he is crying so just~~~ * she said all this without knowing him because she is sitting down and when she stand up and get shocked to see him *

Y/n pov - jungkook!! Yeah you grow up so much, and what happened to him , why he became so cold .. * She was thinking that and suddenly Jungkook said * pov end

Jungkook - yeah you girl , what's your name Y/n huh!! Girl will you leave from my company or i will tell to gards to throw out you .

Y/n - firstly Mr Jeon I think you don't know me .. * jungkook seriously you don't remember by my name she thinks in mind*

Suddenly Taehyung came there.

Taehyung - yeah , jungkook !! Y/n !! What's happening here

Jungkook - do you know her!!

Taehyung - ofcc , now don't tell me you forgot her . She is Park y/n , Park's uncle's daughter and Jimin's younger sister. We are four of our good friends, but you went abroad when she was 10 .

Jungkook - yeah !! Ohk ntmy y/n but remember stay away from me * left from their*

Y/n - seriously tae !! He is acting or he seriously forgot me !! How can he!!

Taehyung - yeah leave him , let's go on coffee date what you say ..

Y/n - ohk as you say !!!

And they Both went for coffee date...

At the office...

Jungkook put jungwoo ( his child) on his chair and Ms Lee was staring Both of them from some distance..

Jungkook - i told you not to go anywhere without telling me and you.......... , now please stop making this face ohk .... I know it's my fault, I'm sorry you didn't know how much I'm warry about you ..

Jungwoo - i hate you, you always scold me and you even scold that girl , she is helping me , I was lost and you * starts crying*

Jungkook - ohk , sorry i will not do that again...

Jungwoo - you always say that and break your promise always....

Jungkook - this time final .

Jungwoo - in one condition!!! You have to say sorry to that girl

Jungkook - what!! I will not ..

Jungwoo - then forget, I will never forgive you ...

Ms. Lee - yeah you , you think that your father who is biggest businessmen !!! Say sorry to that poor girl, now go and eat your lunch.. * he starts crying more loudly *

Jeong-wu - op....p...aa....,

Jungkook - shutttttupppppp Ms Lee he is my child ohk and don't interfere in our personal matters ,now go from here ..

Ms . Lee - b..u...ttt.. si...rrrr.r * she leave from here when jungkook stare her angrily*

Jungkook - ohk baby , i will say sorry to that girl ohk , now please stop crying.. * jungwoo hug him and they both went for lunch in a restaurant*


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