Chapter -seven

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After some time

Y/n is sleeping and jungkook went in kitchen to make a soup for her

Jungkook pov : Why am I doing this ? Did i really ?No no jungkook you can't fall for her but liya was your past jungkook try to understand you should move on now and start a new life with your wife and child , ahh god help me to think , pls.

After making soup he calls y/n.

Jungkook - y/n get up , breakfast is ready
* no response came , so he entered in the room but y/n was not in the room , he again said y/n but this time a sound came from the bathroom*

Y/n - yes Mr.jeon I'm in washroom

Jungkook pov - what!! Mr.jeon , ohh god did i really say it over . Yes ofc I said too much

Jungkook - ohk then come to the dining table and breakfast is ready.

Y/n- ohk!!

After some time.

They both did their breakfast silently, Jungkook wants to say something but he doesn't have enough courage to say something after last night.

Jungkook - y/-nnnn *y/n ignore him totally*

Y/n- thanks for breakfast* she went inside the room *

After some time.

She came down stairs and saw Jungkook working on his laptop . She didn't say anything and left the house.

Jungkook pov - I'm working on my laptop and noticed that y/n is coming down stairs. I was about to say something but she left before she listened . I now where she went so i packed my things and left for office

As soon as entered in office I get to know from Ms.lee that today I have golf practice with our clients .

After some time

Y/n - almost there !! Yeah ohh god

Jungwoo - mummy you lose this time too *suddenly phone ring and jungwoo pick it , it's jungkook vedio call *

OTVC [on the vedio call ]

Jungwoo - yeah i almost got it *he put phone on stand *

Jungkook - where are you?

Jungwoo - mummy took me to the amusement park *he rotate the phone towards y/n * look mummy is so bad in this game .

Jungkook - she can't get one

Y/n - how could you say that .*full concentration on game *

Jungkook - you couldn't get one too , wait for me I'll tell how much I'm good in this.

Jungwoo - we'll wait for you

Jungkook - bye jungwoo*cut the call *

Jungkook pov - wtf is this she didn't give me attention huh! How she can do that .

On the other side they both leave that gave and seat on one bench while y/n was scrolling her phone and jungwoo admiring

Jungwoo - mummy I'm getting bored please let's play something ohk .

Y/n - *she kept her phone in pocket* huh! Let's go and ride it on roller coaster*children's roller coaster*

Jungwoo - ohk .

Y/n - so let's go then

They both stand up and start walking suddenly jungwoo yell

Jungwoo - mummy balloons. *Yes he has balloons in his left hand*

Y/n - ohh god it's in too high I can't catch them. Baby .

Jungwoo - no no mummy I want it please please*he holds her hand and start shaking is *

Y/n - ohk ohk fine I'll do something, go back and stand their.*she told and jungwoo stand back *

Y/n is going to jump and catch them but suddenly someone came and catch the y/n get scared

*She closed her eyes*

Jungwoo - dadda your amazing thanks

Jungkook - anything for my child

Jungwoo go and hugged him and he take jungwoo in his arm

Jungkook - so their is something that your superwoman can't do huh!

Y/n - do you think being tall is a great ?

Jungkook - let's go and play something..

Author - so guys here is the vedio you can see it

Hope you enjoyed it 😁

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