Chapter :- Six

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After wedding everyone one left
Mr.jeon takes jungwoo with him , he is not ready but Mr.jeon convenience him so he gets ready to go with Mr.jeon

Jungkook is waiting for her in car
On the other side Y/n was saying good bye to her family

After some time

Jimin brought y/n near jungkook's car he is leaning on car , jimin said goodbye to y/n and left from their know only y/n and jungkook was present their

Jungkook: let's go Jeon y/n

* he said this with cold face , y/n silently sit in car jungkook drove it a Lil fast because he wants to scar y/n , but our y/n is also little singham 🤣 *she doesn't afraid and tell him to drive most fast *I'm joking ,
After sometimes they both reached home entered in house

Jungkook: maid will saw your room * and he went towards his room *

As soon as he entered in room he gets call of his client so he went to meet him

After some time.

Jungkook come back home Fully drunken and Y/n come outside from bathroom and after doing night routine she was about lay down then she noticed that their is no blanket. and it's alr 11 so all the maids are sleeping now, so she decided to go to his room. She come inside the room and notice that jungkook is changing his clothes and he is shirtless she screamed which make jungkook in shock and anger too jungkook was too drunk and he got with argument in his client so he wanted to burst on someone after listening y/n scream he gets more mad And go closer hier pinned her back on wall

Jungkook - yeah What do you want know huh* he hold y/n elbow very tightly*

Y/n - yeah jungkook leave me , I-I ju-s-tt * he cut her words*

Jungkook - it's Mr.jeon for you don't call me jungkook and you forget what I said in our wedding


Jungkook - Jeon y/n , how is this name for you huh , i know you just married for my name not for my child but i will make your life hell Jeon y/n , you will regret why you marry me and you are just a servant of my child .


Jungkook - I know you , you just want my fame , but i will not let your plan be complete , and you came her to do something huh ..

Y/n - Jung...

Jungkook - Mr Jeon

Y/n - Mr.jeon your not in your sense so please leave I just come here

Jungkook - listen me carefully
"YOU ARE MY WIFE FOR WORLD, MOTHER FOR MY CHILD, BUT FOR ME YOU'RE JUST MY CHILD SERVANT" , get this in your mind and if you think i will fall for you Noo this will never ever gonna happen in this life.

* he yelled at her , y/n eyes are full with tears and one tear roll from her eyes .*

Y/n - then Mr.jeon pls stay on your words because when you feel guilty and want me with you on that i will not be here .

*she said this when jungkook is about to going*

He left and she also went into her room while crying.

Y/n - I'm gonna hate you give me pain like villain that you never were

After 3 hours jungkook come home back he opened the door of his house and was about to going in room but suddenly one of maid call him , who shows y/n's room to
y/n .

Jungkook - yes what do you want now?..

Maid - sorry sir for distributing you but i forgot to give a blanket to mam and it's already 2 am and very cold i don't know how she is sleeping...

Jungkook - * his eyes get widden after listening this * what are you saying huh!!!

Maid - sorry sir * She gives a blanket to jungkook.

Jungkook pov - it's means she come for a blanket she wants blanket and i yelled on her but I'm not in that state but what you don't have any right to talk with her like this ohhh god how is she managing...fuck Jeon...

He went in her room and saw she is shivering due to cold

Jungkook pov :- what should I do now ? I entered in a room and check her temperature she have heavy fever , I put blanket on her and covered her with blanket, so i take out thermometer and check she has really high fever.

I didn't think anything and laid behind him and hugged her tightly.

She also hugged me back .

I'm staring at her , no doubt but she is really cute and beautiful.

Y/n - w-hh-y yo-u sc-o-ld me , h-u-h! W-h-at I'm f-or yo-u y-ou , a t-oy? * she said this in sleep*

Jungkook - I'm syy/n but I'm also confused regarding our relationship. Give me some time to think, I promise I will never hurt you.

In the morning.

Y/n pov - i wake up and saw jungkook and my eyes get wider after sawing him i tried to get over from his tight grip, but unfortunately he muscular bunny is so strong and he pulled me towards him and kiss on my forehead,

Ohh god what happened to him at night he scolded me and now?

Jungkook - sleep y/n , you are not well, I'm sorry for scolding you at night . And i promise i will never hurt you , forget what I said at night .

Y/n :- Mr.jeon leave I'm you servent.

Jungkook - I'm sorry y/n I'm literally sorry I was drunk that time.

Y/n - people always say truth when they're drunk.

Jungkook- then I'm not human. I'm sorry

Y/n - you can't sleep with your servant Mr.jeon .

Jungkook - who said i can't I can . Know keep quiet and sleep or I'll punish you .

Y/n sleep in his arm

To be continued....

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