Chapter:- Nine

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*After some days*
Y/n and jungkook married life going smoothly like knife on butter or this is ominous silence of upcoming disaster in their life, but who? Will this disaster destroy their life and made their paths separate, or make their love more stronger, but who knows what will happened In the end ? It's always suspense, and we always have eagerness to know it !! But in end some one get satisfaction and some one dissatisfaction , some stories get sad ending, happy ending and some one get the end which they want in their story, which ending will they get to in their married life sad? Happy? Or , we always can't get happy ending but we can make it .
And with this thought y/n take a sip of her coffee in her cafe and her thoughts break out with a sudden pop sound come from her phone indicates the message option.

Y/n - ohh jungkook.


Jungkook -Y/n pls come home today I have something important to discuss please ☺️

Y/n - I'll at 7pm 🙂

*Reacted 👍 on your message*

*At home*

Y/n pov - i reached my house and unlock the door and step inside, and found jungkook and jungwoo on couch watching their fav movie "IRON MAN" I'm also a fan of iron man means who not . I closed the door behind me and went near them jungkook notice me .

Jungkook - you come, have a sit we just start watching it ! *He said and I sat beside jungwoo he hugged me kiss me on cheeks i also hugged him and he sat on my laps *

Y/n - why you called me home early, is their any problem. ?

Jungkook - everything is fine i just want to say , means it's good news.

Y/n - wow what good news.?

Jungkook - accuttaly i got the award of biggest CEO in the Asia

Y/n - omo

Jungkook - yes I'm excited for it and that's why I held party *I can see the happy expression on his face I'm so happy for him *

Y/n - congratulations jungkook I'm so happy.

Jungkook - me too so that why we held party a grand party were all business man are coming along with their family.

Y/n - I'm excited for it .

Jungkook - and one thing we held party so tomorrow your the main host of the party.

Y/n - me why .

Jungkook - because your now Mrs.jeon y/n jungkook ohk got it and tomorrow we'll go for shopping to buy dress for you ohk .

Y/n - but i have already.

Jungkook - you are the main star of it so you have to wear new dress which I want to ohk .

Y/n - ohk , tell me what do you want to eat .

Jungkook - let's go outside side for dinner.

Jungwoo - yess *i laugh after listening a big yes from his mouth he is sleeping on my laps wake up after hearing the food name such a foodie boy *

𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒇𝒆 [𝑱𝑱𝒌]❦☛Where stories live. Discover now