Chapter :-Two

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Jungkook - what do you what to eat jungwoo, jungwoo

Jungkook pov - I said his name many times but he didn't respond , i also wave my hand in front of his face but he didn't even blink and i see he continuously seeing in one direction, so i also turn my face in that direction, but I didn't see anything and again I said his name.
Pov end .

Jungkook - jungwoo !!!!!! *While shaking him *

Jungwoo - yes appa ..

Jungkook - what happened is any ntg wrong or where were you lost ? I called you many times , but you didn't respond me and continuously looking their, what's their.

Jungwoo - ntgg!! appa

Jungkook - sure .

Jungwoo - yes

Jungkook - ohk!! So tell me what you want to eat .

Jungwoo - huh!! Pizza with cold coffee

Jungkook - jungwoo, how can u drink cold coffee with pizza huh!! Who drink milk with this things ?

Jungwoo - pls appa

Jungkook - i don't like this kind of thing's

Jungwoo - appa , so u don't like this , so I think this habit I got from mummy , right!!? ..

* After listening his words jungkook start remembering his worst past and this is first time when jungwoo talking so much and about his mother, means normally he used to be silent in whole day *

On the other side

Tae - what do you want to eat y/n .

Y/n - huh!! Pizza with cold coffee..

Tae- seriously you like this combination huh!

Y/n - what's bad in this , why people don't like this combination.

[ Author :- idk guys u like this combination of not but I like not like love it too much]

Tae - ohk fine wait I will order it .

After some time. On counter

Girl- order no 345 and 346 pls take your
order from the counter.

Y/n - wait I'll go and take the order.

On the other side

Jungkook pov -as i listen my order no , I'm going to stand up but jungwoo runs up to take it and i run behind him .

On the counter.

Girl - mam you order

Y/n - thank you

Y/n pov - I took my order and I turned back but suddenly a small boy came while running and I lost my hand balance, tray was going to fall from my hand but suddenly a big hard hand told my hands and he saved my order .

?? - Are you ohk miss * he didn't show her face cause his face is down and he look upward*

?? - you

Y/n - Mr Jeon !!! Thanks for saving my order
* And i see that little boy standing next to me *

Y/n - heyy!! How are you !! are you fine? Did you get hurt somewhere..

Jungwoo - Hi , nope I'm totally fine.. you

Y/n - Good to hear and I'm also fine, btw what's your name.

Jungkook - none of your business!!

Y/n :- jung.....*jungwoo cut her words in between*

Jungwoo - appa .. My name is jungwoo

𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒇𝒆 [𝑱𝑱𝒌]❦☛Where stories live. Discover now