Chapter:- Three

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*someone again knock on door*

??- dad!! May I come in ??

*Everyone get nervous after listening the voice and close the tab*

Mr.park - yes!! Come in my child.

Y/n- ohh and Mr.jeon you are also here , Good morning!! Nice to meet you *bows*

Mr Kim and Jeon - hey , y/nnn?? *They asked her in question because it's been a long time they don't saw her *

Y/n - yes,

Mr Kim - ohh y/n you grow up so much,

Y/n- yes uncle and hru?

Mr Kim and Jeon - we are fine wby

Y/n- I'm also fine , dad I'm saying that I'm going to Busan for 5 days , to meet my old friend and i will also see the restaurant, how it's going on .

Mr.park - ohk take care of yourself and call me when you reach.

*She left and every one saw each other and think how to talk with jungkook*

*Next day *

Mr.jeon- yeah Mr.kang pls call Ms.lee

Mr.kang - ohk sir *you all know na Ms.lee is jungkook's secretary*

After some time he called Ms.lee and sent her to Mr.jeon 's office.

Ms.lee - Sir you call me * while knock on the door*

Mr.jeon - yess Ms.lee pls come.

Ms.lee - good morning Mr.jeon

Mr.jeon - good morning Ms.lee , so Ms .Lee tell me about Jungkook's today's schedule? Is he free today?

Ms.lee - yeah let me check Mr.jeon ?

*After a while she nodded and said*

Ms.lee - yes Mr.jeon today sir is totally free.

Mr.jeon - good and then please arrange a dinner party for three families in his fav restaurant, and pls inform and come there along with their wife and children.

Ms.lee - ohk sir!! But taehyung is out of the country for office work so he will come back after one month .

Mr.jeon - yes!! I know and yes don't tell about this to jungkook , and yes one more important thing, call jungwoo and y/n .

Ms.lee- whatt!! Who y/n , is she that girl who came to our office recently!! That gurll is really jerk * she said this line in a low voice but Mr.jeon heard it .*

Mr.jeon - yeahh !! Ms.lee mind your tongue, she is park y/n ,Mr.park's daughter and for you she is ma'am call her ma'am , she is like my daughter and soon going to be-------

* he stop their , because he don't want to tell this anyone, * go and call jungwoo and y/n .

Ms.lee - sorry sir * she left from their in anger* ma'am my foot .

On the other hand

Jungwoo - y/n please don't go Naa , please
* in puppy eyes*

Y/n - yeah!! Jungwoo please don't make this face, I have to go and it's only for a week i will be back

Jungwoo - but!! Please na please please

Y/n - but!! Baby .* jungkook come their*

Jungkook - yeah jungwoo if she wants to go then let her go Naa , why are you crying? And please , aren't you late for your flight.

Y/n - .......* she start going from their and jungwoo scream from behind something that makes everyone shock even y/n and jungkook too special jk *

Jungwoo - mummyyyyyy...

* jungkook start looking him and she stops their*

Jungkook - what are you saying ? Jungwoo huh!! She is not your mummy ohk ..

Jungwoo - noooo noo she is my mummy, mummy mummy* run from their and hug y/n tightly , Ms Lee also comes there.*

Ms.lee - sir!! Mr.jeon called y/n and jungwoo in his office. * y/n look Ms.lee while rubbing jungwoo back for giving him comfort and Stopping crying*

In the office.

Y/n- Mr.jeon you call us .

Mr Jeon - yes y/n please come and sit .

Y/n - thank you, but I have to go. I have a flight to Busan, so..

Mr.jeon - ofc y/n you can go i just want to see you Have a safe journey.

Y/n - thank you . * she left *

Mr.jeon - My world, my life jungwoo came here .

Jungwoo - grandpa * both hug each other and Mr.jeon lift jungwoo in his arms and put him on chair

Jungwoo - I miss you..

Mr.jeon - I miss you too.. ohk now tell me you like y/n or not .

Jungwoo - yes i like y/n

* he made her face expression sad and said*

Jungwoo - Grandpa, you know I want y/n as my mummy. I love her so much but dadda always scolds me when I go near y/n

Mr.jeon - ohhh don't worry jungwoo , I promise you , I will scold your dad and I promise I will make y/n your mummy I promise youuu ......

Jungwoo - really!! * he is to happy and then both Mr.jeon and jungwoo went for mall *


[Author :- sorry for late guys and sorry for small part actually i have English paper so I'm studying and literally forgot about this and one more thing if i said you to come then it's don't mean" next part " I want your views , thoughts regarding this what u think about it please write that type of comments long one it's encourag me too write next part according to you please]

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