1 = " why won't you go away ! ? "

362 7 2

。⁠*゚⁠+ Husker 's POV ゚⁠*。 :

Its another night , i ' m cleaning one of the glass before checking if anyone else wanted a drink.
I ' m not that lonely , but i also don't like talking to alot of people.
And once again , the spider , Angel dust , comes again near me, i hope he just shuts up. . . i don't like talking so much.
" Hello , Huskyy ! " Angel dust said, " Why don't you get me a drink ? Anything is fine. " He says once more.
I sigh as i pick a random wine and poured it in a clean glass, then gave it to him. Angel dust drank half of it. " Hey , Huskyy . . . what have you been up to ? " He asks , " Why do you even care. " I tell him in an angry tone.

*⁠.⁠✧ ~ Angel dust 's POV ~ ✧.*

Husk is so funny , hes always been this grumpy but i like being with him.
" Well , i care about my friends , duh ! " I say. " Are we even friends ? " Husk says. I knew he was joking , maybe. " Pfft, don't be silly. " I say, taking another sip of the wine in the glass.
Much minutes passed and Angel dust kept teasing Husk. Husk got enough and slammed his hands on the table very hard. " Why won't you go away ? ! " Husk yells. I look at him.
He seemed very angry. Did i go too far ? Nah, he's always like this, with everyone. But . . .

- to be continued. . .
Hello ! . . . Im the author and is the first time i write a story sooo. . . i hope yall like it ! :3

258 words.

I ' ლ  s0rr y. . . (( HUSKERDUST ANGST ))Where stories live. Discover now