7 = " I didn't mean to ! "

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$'~. Husker 's POV .~'$

Its the first time that i. . .
worry about Angel dust.

worry about Angel dust

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~- on Monday -~

~.' Angel dust's POV '.~ :

I hate Mondays. . . today i have to go to work. . . wait. . . no. . . Val. . . i- i dont wanna go to Val. . . what if he- no no no. . . " Angie ? You in there ? " Charlie asks me.
" Yea. . . " " Come down , we 'll eat breakfast ! " . . .

" Im skipping breakfast ! I gotta go do work. " I say. " But. . . " " Lets just leave him alone , Charlie. " Vaggie says as they both leave. I get up from bed as i get ready.

Fat Nuggets is still sleeping so he didnt notice that i was gone.

I got all that i needed and rushed out of the hotel as i got to work.

I was there early but Valentino was there, waiting for me . Why was he there ? Oh right. Of what i 've done.

" Well well well, Angel Dust. " Val says.
" Hello , Val . . . " I reply.
" Dont ya think you 're here too early ? Pfft nah. Come in , Angie, baby." Val says.

We both get inside the dressing room ,
It was kind of awkward.
Then out of nowhere , he punches me behind the head , hard enough to make blood come out of my mouth. " What the hell ?! " I say as Val 's grin gets bigger. I was shaking since im already scared of Val.
" Angel, baby. . . " He says as the chain on my throat is visible " . . .do you know what you have done ? " " N-No, Val. . . " Val 's smirk turns into an angry one. " You FUCKING dispretected me ! Do you even realize how useless you are , Angel ? " He says angrily. " I- Y-Yes Val. . . i swear i 'll get better ! Please. . . im sorry ! " " Do you even know what you 're sorry for ?! "

( Authors note : before i continue, this isnt happening because Angeldust yelled at Vox, it happened another thing, i js skipped a "bad" thing that Angel did that i was too lazy to write. . . anyways ! :3 )

I ' ლ  s0rr y. . . (( HUSKERDUST ANGST ))Where stories live. Discover now