2 = The f1ght. . .

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ミ*° Husker 's POV °*ミ :
" Why won't you go away ? ! " I yelled at Angel dust. He was shocked , but he deserved it.   " What the fuck you lookin at ? " I ask him. " I— Nothing. Anyways, here 's the glass , baby ! " Angel dust says , still kind of. . . happy ? I take the glass as i watch him go in his room.

.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Angel Dust 's POV ♡*。. :
I slowly get to my room and lay on the bed, i ' m kind of tired , but nah. Nuggs slowly gets up on the bed and lays on my fluffy chest. I pet his head slowly as he oinked. I was happy seeing nuggs. " I love you so much Nuggs. . . You 're the only one who understands me. " I say. " I hope we 'll stay together, forever. " I say once again.

~— 4 days later —~
( still Angel Dust 's POV )
I feed Nuggs and pet him a bit before leaving my room.
Once again, i get near Husk but don't talk to him. I see Charlie which started asking me questions of why i didn't get out of my room for 4 days. " Well, i was really tired. . . plus i wanted to spend more time with Nuggs. " I say. " Oh. . . thats okay but. . . you could've told us or something ! You know i was worried. . . " Charlie says. " Haha ! Don't worry , Charlie ! I can take care of myself. " I tell her with a smile. 2 hours later , i decided to talk to Husk a bit. Like always, he didn't want to talk that much.

✧⁠\⁠( Husker 's POV )⁠ノ⁠✧ :
Huh ? Its Angel Dust again ? I thought he went missing or something. I don't really want to talk to him. But here he goes : " Hello Huskyy ! Its been alot we don't talk, don't we ? " Angel says. " Yeah yeah. If you're here to get a drink or something just say so. Or else just go away. " I say.
" Tsk. . . always so grumpy , aren't ya ? " Angel dust says ; " That must be why almost no one talks to you. . . " He says while chuckling a bit , a sign that he was joking, but I didn't think it was a joke, i got mad. Really mad that i slapped him hard enough to leave a red mark on his face. " Owh ! What was that for, you psycho ! ? "  Angel Dust says. " Its your fault. " I say.
" Husk, don't say that ! " Charlie says, not wanting Angel and Husk to fight. " Charlie, i ' m right ! Its his fault. . . i always told him not to talk to me with those useless words but he just continued ! " Husk said. " Useless words ? ! I ' m just trying to make you laugh or something ! I might be failing but you 're the one whos getting angrier. " Angel dust says. " Oh no you don't ! — " Husk yells before Alastor interrupting them both. " Ah ha . Did i miss something here ? " Alastor asks with a still smile on his face as always. " Ah , no . . . nothing. " Vaggie says. " Oh , Angel ! Where have you been ? . . . "  Al asks Angel dust .

(⁠。⁠☬ Charlie 's POV ☬⁠。) :
Husk and Angel fighted. . . I don't know what happened between them but i want to figure it out ! I must ask Vaggie to help me understand whats going on. . .

~—to be continued—~

  . . . .

Hello ! Im the author. This is the second part and i hope yall enjoyed it ! >:3

    568 words.

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