6 = "Everything 's gonna be okay."

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~- While eating breakfast -~$'~- Husker 's POV -~'$ :

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~- While eating breakfast -~
$'~- Husker 's POV -~'$ :

I tried to ignore Angeldust as possible , well , we didnt even talk since there was a long distance between me and him , plus he was talking with Alastor. . . Alastor ? Oh well. " Husk ? Is something wrong ? Do you not like it ? " Charlie asks me as i was lost in my thoughts. " Huh ? Oh - No no , i do like it. " I tell her.
" Okay then. . . " Charlie says.

§∆~ ._ Vaggie 's POV _.~∆§ :
" Hey, Charlie. " I say to Charlie . " Hm ? Whats wrong , Vaggie ? " " Well, did you notice that Husk and Angeldust been acting so weird these days ? " I say. " Oh yeah ! I noticed that too ! They 're even fighting sometimes. . . i wonder what happened between them. " Charlie says. " Nah , its probably because Angeldust keeps flirting with Husk and you know Husk isnt that type of person that likes those things. " I tell her. " Yeah. . . you're right. . . Angeldust always does that but Husk shouldn't get it in a wrong way. . . " Charlie says. " Hmh. . . "

ヽ⁠(⁠。⁠◕ Alastor 's POV ◕⁠。⁠)⁠ノ :

" Angel. Do you like it ? " " Like what ? " Angel dust says . " The breakfast. I helped Charlie and Vaggie making it. " I say.
" Oh, yeah i do like it. Its pretty yummy ! " the spider says.
" Im glad you like it. . ." I say while glancing at Husk.

*-.π Angel dust 's POV π>-* :

Everyone 's so weird this morning. Why have they been asking me if im okay and things like that ?
Im still kind of tired, even though i sleeped all night. . . " Everyone , im gonna go to my room ! " I said as everyone said bye to me.
I got my Hellphone and started texting Cherri bomb while going up the stairs.


|Angel Dust|
Hey,Cherri Bomb?
You here ?

|Cherri Bomb|
Hey , Angie !
Is something wrong ?

|Angel Dust|
Oh! No no nothing.
I just wanted to ask
you if we could meet up,
im pretty bored !

|Cherri Bomb|
You serious ?
Of course we can meet
up , bitch !
We 'll meet up at 2:30 pm ?

| Angel Dust |
Yes ! Thats okay !
See ya then !

|Cherri Bomb|
See ya , Angie !

(seen at 8:40 am)

I close my Hellphone.
Later im gonna meet up Cherri bomb.
I continue walking up the stairs and i finally reach my room. I open the door, the room all dark to see a pink light getting from Fat Nuggets.
I open the light So that i can see him better, grab him and start hugging him. " I missed you, fat nuggets ! "

I ' ლ  s0rr y. . . (( HUSKERDUST ANGST ))Where stories live. Discover now