9 = " Angel ! Can you hear ME ? "

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this part contains gore .

~'. Angel dust 's POV .'~ :

Its been 2 weeks .
I get up from the bed and stretch a bit
This time Fat nuggets is asleep so i didnt want to wake him.

I get up from bed and have a shower.
I get dressed up as i leave my room.

I get in the lobby , it was 5 am so i still had 1 hour before going to work.

I get near Husk.
" Goodmorning , Whiskers ! "
. . .
No answer ?

I reach out one of my arms to touch Husk 's shoulder as he slaps it away.

" Dont touch me ! " Husk yells.
I look at him, shocked by the reaction.
Then , i grin.  " Awh. . . is the puss1-cat mad ? Did something happen ? " I ask him in a flirty voice but he still didnt answer. Instead , he drank his bottle of Whiskey.

Was he mad at me ?
Did i do something wrong ?

Well, he always was like this.
Before i opened my mouth again he gave me my favourite drink so i just drank it.

It was kind of awkward till Charlie and Vaggie got in the lobby too.

It was kind of awkward till Charlie and Vaggie got in the lobby too

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~- 40 mins later. -~

I go to work , it was 5.44 am.
As i get in the Vees building,
Val was there, screaming at Vox
on his phone, then, he turned around
to see me.

" Hello , Angel, baby. . .  " Val said in a rough voice.

" Hello , Val. . . " I reply.

" Angel cakes. Do you know that your last shoot didnt go viral, hm ? " Val said, his face contorning in an angry one.

" But you know i tried my best for that- " I say before i get slapped by Val.

I ' ლ  s0rr y. . . (( HUSKERDUST ANGST ))Where stories live. Discover now