3 = " please. . . don't do it ! "

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♬\⁠(๑⁠ Angel Dust 's POV ๑⁠)⁠ノ⁠♬⁾⁠⁾ :

Ha. . . Husk just slapped me, whats wrong with him ? I was just joking around. I think while talking to Alastor. " Hellooo, Angeel ! " Alastor says as i finally hear him between my thoughts. " Oh sorry. I was just lost in my thoughts ! " I say as i smiled. We kept talking and talking.

~- 2 hours later -~
( still Angel dust's POV ) :
" I got a call, who is it ? " I ask myself while I look up at my phone.
" Oh ! Its - Val. . . " I say, then i look up at the time and realize that im late. " Oh shi- He must be really mad ! I gotta get ready fast and not be seen by anyone - . . . " I say as i get dressed up quickly and leave my room silently.
I was in the lobby and Husk was still in the bar, but he was cleaning the glass so he didnt notice me. I got near the exit door and got outside.

~- 20 mins later -~
( still Angel dust 's POV ) :
" You 're late. " Val says , not showing his angriness but with a smile on his face. " Im sorry , i was uh. . . washing Nuggs ! Yeah. " I lie. Val gets near me and grabs me by the throat tightly : " I know you 're lying , sweetie. Now tell me the truth, you don't want me to punish you, don't you ? " Val says, grinning. " I swear ! I didn't want to get here late ! This wasn't planned. . . " I beg. " Looks like someone needs a punishment. . . ~ " Val says. " No ! Please don't do it ! " I say.

~- at 3 am -~
๑⁠-⁠☆ Husker 's POV ⁠☆-⁠๑⁠
Its 3 am, i should close the bar , no one 's awake at this hour so- . . . wait. . . is that- Angel ? The fuck is he doin awake ? Of course i dont talk to him, but just stare at him till he realises that i saw him. " Oh husk- Hello. . . " Angel said, he was in pain. I could tell by the tears in his eyes and the fear. He was injured in his arms and throat. " The fuck happened to you ? ! " I ask him , not too loud. " . . . Nothing. " Angel said. Nothing ? How it that nothing ? Hes getting on my nerves but what happened to him is unexpected. I sigh : " You can tell me. " I tell him , trying to get a comforting tone. He doesnt talk , but he goes in his room. I look down, he wont talk to me because of the ' fight ' this morning ? " Hes so dumb. . . " I say by myself as i go away from the bar. I went near Angel dust 's door of the room and i hear some crying noises . Was Angel crying ? I must know what happened to him. . .

~- the next morning-~
( No ones POV ) :
" Angel ! What happened to you ! " Charlie asks Angel as she was worried , much worried of what state Angel was. " I uh. . . fell down the stairs, yeah. So don't worry , Charlie ! Everything is fine. " Angel tells Charlie to make her calm down. Husk looks at Angel knowing that it wasn't true, but Angel kept talking to Charlie so that he didn't have to talk to Husk. " Poor Angel. . . That must 've been tough. " The radio demon says. " I already told yall that im fine, its not big of a deal ! " Angel says. Then he gets a message from Cherri Bomb.

Hey , Angiee !
                                           Hello Cherri !
I was thinking if
tonight we could do a
party or something !

                                               You know i
                                           can't because
                                           of Val , right ?
Ah shit. I forgot
about that ! That
bitch doesn't let u
have fun with your friends.
Well, what about
tomorrow huh ?
                                               Oh, yeah !
                                             Tomorrow is
Okay thennn !
See ya !

Angel closes his phone , says bye to Charlie and goes to Val once more.
~- at night -~
Everyone is still awake and Angel finally gets to the hotel. " Hello Angel. " Alastor says. " Hello everyone ! " Angel says in his usual happy voice. Then he gets close to Husk, of course for a drink.

$-~ Husker 's POV ~-$ :
" Hello, Huskyy ~ Can you get me a drink ? Anything is fine. " Angel says as hes back in his flirty tone. I pour him a drink , then i finally talk : " So uh. . . how are you Angel ? Yesterday night you were hurt. " I ask him " Hm ? Oh, im fine now , Husky ! Awh , did you worry about me ? " Angel says " Huh ? Oh i- Of course not ! Just asking ! " Husk says.

(⁠✷ Charlie 's POV ✷⁠) :
Husk and Angel are talking ? I thought they were angry at eachother or something i- " Charlieeee are you listening ? " Vaggie says. " Oh yeah- yeah i am. I was lost in my thoughts. " I let out a little chuckle.

~- to be continued -~

Hello ! This is the author.
I hope yall liked this ! ^_^

802 words.

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