10 = " maybe i really do like you. "

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💣;.+ Husk 's POV +.;💣

Angel Dust isnt waking up. . .
We bringed him in his room,
hoping he will wake up the next day.

Fat nuggets was there , oinking not knowing what was happening.

I petted him a bit and then we all left Angel dust 's room.

I petted him a bit and then we all left Angel dust 's room

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⋋⁠✿⁠ Angel dust 's POV ✿⁠⋌

I wake up from a terrible sleep.

I see all blur.
I can feel Fat Nuggets on my chest fur but -. . .
this doesnt feel like Nuggs. . .

Thats. . . Husk ?

" Husky ? Wha- a. . . " I say.
Husk jumps as he hears my voice.

" Angel ! Uh. . . goodmorning. . . how are you feeling ? " He asks me as he gets up.

" Good , thanks to you~ " I say, flirting.
" . . . Dont make me regret saving ya ass. " Husk says, again in his grumpy tone.

We both get up from bed, all i could 've felt was a bit of pain.

" Are you . . . okay ? Does it still hurt ? " Husk says.

" Not really. . . what happened ? " I ask.

" I dunno, but you were stabbed by Val w an angel spear. "

" Val. . . fuck. " I say. . .

Husk touches my shoulder : " Dont worry , kid. Everything 's gonna be okay. " Husk gives me a smile as i smile back.

We both go down in the lobby and everyone was happy to see me awake , Charlie was the one who was more worried, Vaggie was a mix and Alastor kept that smile on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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