4 = " you. . . hate me ? "

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ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ Angel Dust 's POV ✧.*ノ :

Its 5 am. I wake up as i stretch a bit. I get up of bed and choose what to wear, then i pet Nuggs and go downstairs in the lobby. It was early in the morning so there was only Husk, in the bar. " Hello, Whiskers ! Did you have a good sleep ? " I ask him in a flirty voice. " Hm. Good i guess. . . " The cat says , i chuckled a bit as i saw that Husk was pretty tired. " So , what do ya want ? Its not like i have all day for ya. " Husk says " Oh but it will be all day , dear ! " I say while laughing a bit. " Yeah, so what ? You want a drink or something ? " Husk asks. " Ye, get me a drink , baby ! Best one you 've got !" I say. " I- dont call me like that. " Husk says while sighing and getting a drink.

~- 11 hours later -~
I got upstairs to my room , somehow tired , i lied on my bed as Nuggs got on in chest fur , curling himself. I pet him a bit as i look at the ceiling. Its been 11 hours since i woke up so its 4 pm right now. Then someone calls me from downstairs. It sounded like . . . Niffty 's voice? I go down as i see Niffty holding a random beer. " Angel ! Angel ! Husk is looking for this beer that i stoled , but he doesnt know that i stole it ! Please can you tell him that you stole it and drank it ? " Niffty says and begs. " Yeah , i can , Niffty , but - Why would you even steal beer ? " I say . " Nothing ! Im gonna go now ! " Niffty says as she goes away with the beer in her hands almost her size. I act like nothing happened and go downstairs just too see Husk searching for the beer bottle , Charlie ,Vaggie and Alastor were laughing a bit since Husk had more other beer so why he would even search it ? I go near Husk : " Oh hello, Husky! What are you searching for ? " I ask him , even tho i know. " Im searching for my damn beer bottle ! Someone stole it and its probably one of you guys! " Husk says . " Ahaha. What if you drank it and didnt even realize it ? " Vaggie says , causing Charlie to laugh. " Oh well, i took the beer , Huskyy. . . also drank it. . . i didnt told ya because i was too thirsty ! " I say while chuckling a bit. " You what ?! You know you should tell me before getting something from the bar ! Then you should 've asked me for a drink ! " " I know , whiskers. But you seemed busy so - " I say before getting interrupted by Husk. " Thats why i hate you. " He says while mumbling , but we could all still hear it. " You. . . hate me ? " I say, " Oh Husk - Only for that little thing you hate Angie ? Dont say that ! " Charlie says. " Oh well , i should go now . . . " Angel dust said whispering.

+°*. Husk 's POV 。⁠*゚⁠+ :
( little )
I hate Angel dust. I hate his smile , the way he flirts with me , everything. But then why do i feel bad after what i said to him ?

~- 4 hours later -~

Its 8 pm. . . Me and Cherri are going to a party tonight and - " Angiee , babyy. . . is that you ? What am i saying , of course it is you. . . " Thats a familiar voice. I turn around just to see Valentino standing in front of me , Vox was next to him. " What do YOU want ? " Cherri Bomb says . " Oh nothinggg ! I just want Angel , baby , to come with me ~ ." Val says. " No ! He cant , he- ! " " Cherri , dont worry about me , i 'll come back in 11 mins , okay ? " I say to her.

~- 2 hours later -~
💣*. +; Cherri Bomb's POV ;+ .*💣

Its been 2 hours since Angel dust got in that room with Val and Vox. Two. Fucking. Hours.
I tell myself as i go check in the room where they have been. I notice that the door is unlocked , and no one was in there , the window was open. " Fuck. . . shit shit ! Angel ! " I scream as get out of the party , making my way to the hotel where Angel dust lived. I open the door of the hotel slamming it and yelling : " Angel dust is missing ! Val and Vox fcking took him somewhere ! " I yell. Everyone looks at me. Charlie has a shocked face as the others do , except Alastor. " Angel is - What ?! " Husk says loudly. " We gotta go find him ! what if something bad happends ?! Oh nonono - " Charlie says " Babe - Stay calm ! We 'll find him ! " Vaggie says , trying to make the princess calm down.

✧⁠◝⁠(~• Angel Dust 's POV •~)⁠◜⁠✧ :
What happened ? i dont remember anything. . . except that. . . Val and Vox kidnapped me. . . of course they would do that. . . i hope Cherri comes to find me. . . I tell myself as some tears come out of my eyes. . . " Angel , baby ~ Why are you crying ? " Val asks me. I couldnt answer since i was all tied up and my mouth was taped with a scotch which i could get off.
" Ha . Val , this is ridiculous. Now how much do we have him here ? Its not like he even wants to stay here - pfft. Hes scared of us. " Velvette says, still looking at her phone. " He must be scared of us , if he wasnt then what would be the fun ? " The TV demon
says. " Oh dont worry guys . . . you can leave . Me and Angel just need to have some time alone , dont we , sweetie ? " Val says as his face gets closer to mine. I couldnt do anything but nod. I shouldnt be scared since this happeneds everytime. Oh but i just wish i never met Val. . . he ruined everything of me. " Okay theeenn. . . bye bye Val ! " Velvette says , taking Vox with her. " So , Angel. . . Why didnt you answer my call earlier ? " Val says as he untapes my mouth , causing me to gasp. " I was with Cherri. " " Plus its not like i can always answer to you. . . " I say while mumbling , but Val was so much close to my face that he could hear that. He slapped my face hard. I got hurt , really hurt but i was used to it. . . Then , out of nowhere , after that slap i hear some yells out of the room , Val goes to check what was happening and. . . my friends got here to save me ? Even Husk ? No. . . he hates me. . . he couldn't be there. . . i think. " Angie ! Are you okay ?! " Charlie and Cherri say as they got in the room where i was chained in secretely . " Yeah , i am. . . i just got slapped. . . nothing much. . . dont worry . " I say. " Angel, you always end up like this ! Please be more careful. " Charlie says. I sigh. " I 'll try to , Charlie. " " Cmon ! We gotta go ! Now ! " Cherri says as she got my hand and run to the exit . There was Vaggie and Alastor too, of course not Husk. " Ha. You fine ? " Vaggie and Alastor ask me. " Yea. . . i am . . . " I tell them.

~- to the hotel -~
$~|. + Husk 's POV +.|~$ :
When Charlie , Cherri , Vaggie and Alastor got outside to search for Angel, i started to regret how i' ve been acting around him. . . but - " Hello , Husk ! Are you the only one here ? " Lucifer asks . " Ah , Lucifer is that you ? Yea , im the only one here for now. The others got to search for Angel Dust. " I say. " Oh ! That must be why i saw one of them running . " Lucifer says. " Yeah , i guess. " " But then , why didnt you go with them ? " Lucifer asks me " Nah. . . i need to clean the glass for the bar. " I say , then , they finally come back. " Dad ?! " Charlie says , surprised that Lucifer , her dad , was here. Then , there was Cherri and Alastor holding Angel dust , Angel was kind of weak at the moment. I didnt talk as i saw Angel dust , so i acted like i was cleaning one of the glass.
" So , Angel. Do you promise me that next time you WONT go near Val again ? Hm ? " Cherri says , pinching a bit Angel 's cheek , " Cherri - You know i cant , right ? " Angel says . " Yeah . . . you're right. . . but please dont get hurt. . . " Cherri says.
" Oh. . . um. Hello , Husk. " Angel said. Husk ? He always calls me Husky or whiskers or whatever. . . is he hurt that badly ?

~- to be continued -~

Hello ! This is the author !
This is part 4 , i hope yall enjoyed it. . .

1419 words. AAAAA

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